Dmitry Soshnikov AKA shwars
About Me

About Me

There are two things I love in life: technology and people. My super-power is to explain complex things in simple words and to engage people. Thus I love doing teaching, public speaking, programming and creative projects. I worked for 16 years at Microsoft.

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Public Speaking & Teaching

Public Speaking & Teaching

I am Associate Professor at MAI, HSE, MIPT and RUT, and I do many speaking engagements around technology, Artificial Intelligence and AI in Art. I was twice on stage with former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.

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Projects & Research

Projects & Research

I have Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence and practical experience of doing AI development for Microsoft. I currently do projects around AI and Art.

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Art & Making

Art & Making

As a hobby, I love creating things, and recently I am especially interested in using Generative AI for Science Art and Creative Writing. A few of my works have been exhibited in Electro Museum, Maker Faire and Museum for Russian Impressionism.

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New Blog Articles

AI Tools

yogpt: Using ChatGPT and Other LLMs from the Command Line

Recently, we tend to use chat language models more and more in our everyday activities. If you are a traditional office worker, using it through web chat interface or co-pilot seems natural. However, for developers, who spend a lot of their time on the command line, having terminal interface for chat models is totally useful. Read More ›

Art of the Artificial

Valera AI Natasha AI Mitya: How we Create Art Together with AI

Recently, there have been a lot of debates on whether generative AI can be creative, and whether its creations can be considered art. In this regard, I want to share our experience of working together with AI to create works of art for an exhibition. Read More ›


Creating Domain-Oriented Chatbots using LangChain and Yandex GPT

Large language models handle conversations on general topics perfectly, but often it is necessary to add some domain knowledge to a chatbot. Let's see how to use the Retrieval-Augmented Generation approach to create such a chatbot based on the LangChain framework and the Yandex GPT generative model Read More ›

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