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Bach Doodle Dataset

Over 8 million players have contributed 21.6 millions harmonizations after playing with the Bach Google Doodle. These harmonizations are a unique data set that can show insights on how people around the world composed melodies, help developers train new Machine Learning algorithms, or artists create musical experiences. That’s why we’re open-sourcing the dataset.

This project provides several interactive visualizations to explore this data, such as:

a sunburst graph of all melodies, highlighting Ode to Joy, which was harmonized 1358 times.

a set of of small sunburst graphs, each representing a country, with the bigges one, US, highlighted.

a treemap chart of different squares, each bigger square being labelled with a country name.

Explore this collection of visualizations for the dataset, download the dataset or read more about it in the paper it was introduced!

Labelling a melody

We'd love to be able to label more known melodies! If you recognize one of the top hits or regional hits, please let us know. You can either tweet at us, or open an issue with the link to the melody you recognize, and its name. Thank you!!!