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bosh rsync blobs


bosh sync blobs takes a long time on a new workstation because there is a lot of stuff to download. The local network is usually way faster than the internet, and other workstations on the same network may have almost all blobs we need. Sharing blobs locally makes sense; doing it manually sucks. Let's automate this.

User Story

As a developer of a BOSH-deployed software release, I would like to sync blobs with a server on the local network, so that blobs are downloaded as fast as the local network connection allows instead of being constrained by the the bandwidth of my internet connection.


rsync $PROJECT/.blobs from a shared rsync server to the developer workstation, so that the price for downloading a blob from the internet is only paid once. Newly downloaded files are contributed back to the shared rsync server.


Don't break how bosh sync blobs works.


  • BOSH symlinks a blob correctly if the symbolic name is not present in blobs, but the target is present in .blobs. Therefore, we only need to rsync .blobs and bosh sync blobs will do the right thing afterwards.

  • We assume that there is a shared rsync server on the local network where we have access to

  • A script does something like along these lines:

    cd ~/workspace/cf-release
    rsync $BLOB_HOST/$PROJECT .blobs
    bosh sync blobs
    rsync .blobs $BLOB_HOST/$PROJECT
  • Add some basic checks that prevents people from shooting themselves in the foot (like an accidental rsync --delete)


  • Sample rsync call

    rsync          \
        -e ssh     \
        --verbose  \
        --stats    \
        --progress \
        --archive  \
      $BLOB_HOST:$PROJECT/.blobs/ \

Candidate Implementations

  • Write it as a bosh cli plugin (Dr. Nic has a few examples)

    This would allow us to write bosh rsync blobs instead of bosh-rsync-blobs.

  • Might as well be a BASH script (has to be on the $PATH)

  • May be a wrapper around bosh that captures sync blobs (like hub does)


  • $PROJECT is either read via BOSH or the name of the current project directory. It may be worth using a scheme-less URL for $PROJECT, e.g. so that we get namespacing like golang has for go get.
  • Do not mix blobs across projects, otherwise everyone fetches blobs of all projects. Use at least the project name as rsync project to keep things separate.
  • Publish the rsync sever config script in a separate (public) repo so that everyone can deploy it

Choices for rsync servers

  • Server deployed (e.g. via Ansible or similar) to a private host

    • Simple
    • How do we know the host name if there is no static host name / IP?
  • Shared server

    • May already exist in your corporate universe
    • Might have bandwidth constraints that are prohibiting to use it
    • May not allow individual projects
    • May not allow anonymous up- and downloads
  • Dedicated VM

    • Not so simple anymore
    • Might have bandwidth constraints that are prohibiting its use
  • Docker container

    • Not so simple anymore
    • Might have bandwidth constraints that are prohibiting to use it
  • BOSH release so that it can be deployed standalone or spiffed into a concourse deployment

    • Not so simple anymore
    • Good fit for someone already running stuff under BOSH


  • Should everyone upload their stuff once a new download is complete, so that the server stays fresh? Probably yes.
  • How do we clean up the server and remove obsolete files? We shouldn't let users delete, probably.
  • Is a (caching) HTTP proxy a better way to solve this?


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