appId: io.resin.etcher copyright: Copyright 2016 Resinio Ltd productName: Etcher npmRebuild: true nodeGypRebuild: true publish: null files: - lib - build/**/*.node - assets/icon.png - node_modules/**/* mac: icon: assets/icon.icns category: dmg: background: assets/osx/installer.tiff icon: assets/icon.icns iconSize: 110 contents: - x: 140 y: 225 - x: 415 y: 225 type: link path: /Applications window: width: 540 height: 405 win: icon: assets/icon.ico nsis: oneClick: true runAfterFinish: true installerIcon: assets/icon.ico uninstallerIcon: assets/icon.ico deleteAppDataOnUninstall: true license: LICENSE artifactName: "${productName}-Setup-${version}-${env.TARGET_ARCH}.${ext}" portable: artifactName: "${productName}-Portable-${version}-${env.TARGET_ARCH}.${ext}" requestExecutionLevel: user linux: category: Utility packageCategory: utils executableName: etcher-electron synopsis: Etcher is a powerful OS image flasher built with web technologies to ensure flashing an SDCard or USB drive is a pleasant and safe experience. It protects you from accidentally writing to your hard-drives, ensures every byte of data was written correctly and much more. deb: icon: assets/icon.png priority: optional depends: - gconf2 - gconf-service - libappindicator1 - libasound2 - libatk1.0-0 - libc6 - libcairo2 - libcups2 - libdbus-1-3 - libexpat1 - libfontconfig1 - libfreetype6 - libgcc1 - libgconf-2-4 - libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 - libglib2.0-0 - libgtk2.0-0 - liblzma5 - libnotify4 - libnspr4 - libnss3 - libpango1.0-0 - libstdc++6 - libx11-6 - libxcomposite1 - libxcursor1 - libxdamage1 - libxext6 - libxfixes3 - libxi6 - libxrandr2 - libxrender1 - libxss1 - libxtst6 - polkit-1-auth-agent | policykit-1-gnome | polkit-kde-1 - gksu | kdesudo rpm: icon: assets/icon.png depends: - lsb - libXScrnSaver - beesu appImage: icon: assets/icon.png