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Say goodbye to unwanted files cluttering your repos, like *.jar or *.so. And limit who can make updates to sensitive files like your Actions workflows with the public beta of push rules. 🎉

A glimpse of push rules in action

You can now enable a new type of ruleset that allows you to control pushes to repositories based on file extensions, file path lengths, file and folder paths and file sizes. Push rules don’t require any branch targeting as they apply to every push to the repository, and also apply to all forks of the repo to ensure all pushes to the repository network are protected.

Push rules are now available for private and internal repositories for GitHub Teams, and across organizations for GitHub Enterprise Cloud.

Learn more about push rules in our documentation and join the community discussion to leave feedback.

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The CodeQL for Visual Studio Code documentation is now on

This migrates the content from and provides a consistent, single-site experience with improved text, descriptions, images, and navigation.

On May 8, 2024, we’ll begin automatically redirecting from the original location to the new location.

The source files now exist in Markdown format in the public, open-source docs repository. If you would like to contribute, you can consult and follow the steps listed in the GitHub Docs contributing guide.

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GitHub Importer is a tool that quickly imports source code repositories, including commits and revision history, to As part of this release, GitHub Importer has implemented a new method for git source migration that will provide users with improved reliability and more detailed error handling when migrating git source repositories to GitHub. Click here to import your project to GitHub.

As previously communicated, this change comes with the ending of support for the REST API endpoints for source imports. Moving forward, these endpoints will return an error. Users are encouraged to make use of the new import repository page instead.

Lastly, we previously announced that GitHub Importer will no longer support importing Mercurial, Subversion and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) repositories. Effective today, we’ve ended support for this functionality due to extremely low levels of usage. Moving from these alternative version control systems to Git is simple thanks to fantastic open source tools – for more details, read our Docs article, “Using the command line to import source code”.

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You can now add organisation-level CodeQL model packs to improve code scanning coverage for your GitHub organization. This ensures that custom libraries and frameworks are recognised by CodeQL.

In most cases, the out-of-the-box CodeQL threat models provide the best coverage for identifying potential vulnerabilities in your GitHub repositories using code scanning. The CodeQL team at GitHub keeps a close eye on the most widely-used open-source libraries and frameworks to ensure CodeQL recognizes untrusted data that enters an application. For cases which cannot be covered by default, such as custom-built or inner-sourced frameworks and libraries, you can create custom CodeQL model packs to help CodeQL detect additional security vulnerabilities in your code.

Configuring CodeQL model packs in the organisation code security and analysis settings

When you configure CodeQL model packs at scale, the packs will be used in every code scanning analysis that uses default setup in the organization. By default, code scanning will download the latest version of each model pack, meaning that the latest changes to the pack (such as adding information about new frameworks) will automatically be included. Alternatively, you can configure specific sets of CodeQL models to use by stating a specific version (or version range). For more information, see Editing your configuration of default setup in the GitHub documentation.

You can use the CodeQL model editor in VS Code to easily create custom CodeQL model packs for libraries and frameworks written in C# and Java/Kotlin. Custom CodeQL model packs are also supported for code written in JavaScript and Ruby and we will be adding support for these and other CodeQL-supported languages in the CodeQL model editor in the future.

This functionality is now available on and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.14.

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GitHub Enterprise Importer (GEI) has implemented a new process for migrating git source data, significantly improving GEI’s reliability when migrating large repositories up to 10 GB with complex git histories. The new git source migrator is now available for all customers using GEI.

The new git source migrator uses the updated IP addresses for GitHub Enterprise Importer announced in October 2023. If you’re using GitHub Enterprise Importer to run migrations and have IP allow lists enabled, you will need to add our new IP range. The IP allow lists that may need to be updated include:

  • The IP allow list on your destination organization or enterprise
  • If you’re running migrations from, the IP allow list on your source organization or enterprise
  • If you’re running migrations from a GitHub Enterprise Server, Bitbucket Server or Bitbucket Data Center instance, the allow list on your configured Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3 storage account
  • If you’re running migrations from Azure DevOps, the allow list on your Azure DevOps organization

For a full list of our IP ranges and more information, see our documentation on configuring IP allow lists for migrations.

For additional information about GEI, please follow our documentation for using GitHub Enterprise Importer

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Secret scanning has recently expanded coverage to GitHub discussions and pull requests.

GitHub is now performing a backfill scan, which will detect any historically existing secrets found in GitHub discussions and pull request bodies or comments.

For repositories with secret scanning enabled, if a secret is detected in a discussion or pull request, you will receive a secret scanning alert for it. Public leaks detected in public GitHub discussion or pull requests will also be sent to providers participating in the secret scanning partnership program.

Sign up for a 60 minute feedback session on secret scanning and be compensated for your time.

Learn how to secure your repositories with secret scanning or become a secret scanning partner.

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From the 15th of May 2024 we will no longer support multiple labels on larger GitHub Hosted Runners.

In February 2023 we announced that customers could no longer add or manage additional labels on larger runners. Following on from this, we will now be fully deprecating support for multi-labels on larger runners and jobs targetting more than one label for a GitHub Hosted Larger Runner after May 15th will no longer be able to pick up jobs.

We will be running a brown out on the 8th of May between 18:00 and 20:00 UTC, during this time multi label larger runner jobs will fail to start.

To prepare for this change and avoid any disruption, please ensure the runs-on: references only the runner name in your workflows prior to the dates above.

Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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Starting November 30, 2024, GitHub Actions customers will no longer be able to use v3 of actions/upload-artifact or actions/download-artifact. Customers should update workflows to begin using v4 of the artifact actions as soon as possible. While v4 of the artifact actions improves upload and download speeds by up to 98% and includes several new features, there are key differences from previous versions that may require updates to your workflows. Please see the documentation in the project repositories for guidance on how to migrate your workflows.

The deprecation of v3 will be similar to the previously announced v1 and v2 deprecation plans, which is scheduled to take place on June 30, 2024. Version tags will not be removed from the project repositories, however, attempting to use a version of the actions after the deprecation date will result in a workflow failure. Artifacts within their retention period will remain accessible from the UI or REST API regardless of the version used to upload. This deprecation will not impact any existing versions of GitHub Enterprise Server being used by customers.

This announcement will also be added to actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact. Please visit the documentation to learn more about storing workflow data as artifacts in Actions.

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The StartRepositoryMigration GraphQL API endpoint will now require the sourceRepositoryUrl as an input field. While this is a breaking change to the StartRepositoryMigration GraphQL API schema, including this parameter was a de facto requirement already that will now be documented correctly. All StartRepositoryMigration GraphQL requests currently made without this input result in a failed migration. As such, this change should have minimal impact to those using the StartRepositoryMigration GraphQL API endpoint.

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GitHub secret scanning now supports validity checks for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account credentials and Slack webhooks. This improvement involves changes to how account credentials for GCP are detected and alerted on.

What’s changing

Secret scanning alerts for Slack webhooks now support validity checks, in addition to previously supported Slack API tokens.

In addition, secret scanning now also alerts on complete GCP service account credential objects which include the fully matched private key, private key ID, and certificate URLs. These alerts support validity checks. As part of this change, you will no longer receive alerts for GCP private key IDs.

About validity checks

Validity checks indicate if the leaked credentials are active and could still be exploited. If you’ve previously enabled validation checks for a given repository, GitHub will now automatically check validity for alerts on supported token types.

Validity checks are available for repositories with GitHub Advanced Security on Enterprise Cloud. You can enable the feature at the enterprise, organization, or repository level from the “Code security and analysis” settings page by checking the option to “automatically verify if a secret is valid by sending it to the relevant partner.”

Share feedback

Sign up for a 60 minute feedback session on secret scanning and be compensated for your time.

Learn more about secret scanning or our supported patterns for validity checks.

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Enterprise owners of GitHub Enterprise Cloud with Enterprise Managed Users (EMUs) can now participate in a private beta introducing GitHub’s native IP allow list configuration to cover user namespaces. This feature will limit access to enterprise-managed user namespaces to the owning enterprise’s IP allow list. Access through the web UI, git protocol, and API are all filtered by the IP allow list. All credentials, including personal access tokens, app tokens, and SSH keys, are covered by this policy.

To enroll in this private beta and make this feature available for your enterprise, reach out to your GitHub Account Manager or contact our sales team.

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CodeQL is the static analysis engine that powers GitHub code scanning. CodeQL version 2.17.0 has been released and has now been rolled out to code scanning users on

Important changes in this release include:

For a full list of changes, please refer to the complete changelog for version 2.17.0. All new functionality will also be included in GHES 3.13. Users of GHES 3.12 or older can upgrade their CodeQL version.

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Docker Compose v1 has been deprecated as of July 2023. All customers utilizing Compose v1 on GitHub-hosted runners are encouraged to migrate to Compose v2. Per GitHub’s support policy we will remove this tool from our GitHub managed runner images effective July 9, 2024.

To avoid breaking changes, customers will need to update their Actions workflow files from using docker-compose to docker compose. After July 9, workflows will begin to fail that are using the previous syntax. Customers are advised to review the migration instructions to ensure they are making all the changes required.

For more information on GitHub managed images, see the runner-images repository.

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Use CodeQL threat model settings for C# (beta) to adapt CodeQL’s code scanning analysis to detect the most relevant security vulnerabilities in your code.

CodeQL’s default threat model works for the vast majority of codebases. It considers data from remote sources (such as HTTP requests) as tainted. We previously released CodeQL threat model settings for Java to allow you to optionally mark local sources of data (such as data from local files, command-line arguments, environment variables, and databases) as tainted in order to help security teams and developers uncover and fix more potential security vulnerabilities in their code. CodeQL threat model settings are now available for C#, meaning that you can now enable similar local sources of taint in your code scanning analysis of code wriitten in C#.

If your repository is running code scanning default setup on C# or Java code, go to the Code security and analysis settings and click Edit configuration under Code scanning default setup. Here, you can change the threat model to Remote and local sources. For more information, see the documentation on including local sources of tainted data in default setup.

Threat model setting in CodeQL default configuration

If your repository is running code scanning advanced setup on C# or Java code, you can customize the CodeQL threat model by editing the code scanning workflow file. For more information, see the documentation on extending CodeQL coverage with threat models. If you run the CodeQL CLI on the command-line or in third party CI/CD, you can specify a --threat-model when running a code scanning analysis. For more information see the CodeQL CLI documentation.

As part of this work, we made changes to some of the queries included in the default code scanning suite for C# to better align with local and remote threat model settings. As a result you may see slightly fewer alerts when using the default threat model for remote sources. For more information about which queries are impacted, see the changelog for CodeQL 2.17.0.

CodeQL threat model settings (beta) in code scanning default setup is available on for repositories containing Java and C# code. Support for configuring threat model settings for C# will be shipped in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.14. Users of GHES 3.12 or older can also upgrade the version of CodeQL used in code scanning.

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PR review improvements

We’ve got some exciting news to share! We’ve been closely listening to your feedback, and one common challenge many of you faced was reviewing, and submitting your pull request reviews on GitHub Mobile. We heard you loud and clear, and today, we’re thrilled to announce that approving PRs is now easier than ever before!

With our latest update, we made it easier to start, continue, and submit your code reviews on the go.

Now, whether you’re on the train, grabbing a coffee, or simply away from your desk, you can effortlessly contribute to your projects and keep the momentum going.

Download or update GitHub Mobile today from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to get started.

Learn more about GitHub Mobile and share your feedback to help us improve.

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Today, we’re releasing security tool-specific filters for the security overview dashboard and secret scanning metrics page.

Security tool-centric filters in the filter bar drop-down on the overview dashboard

Have you ever wondered, “How well is my organization handling SQL injections?” or “How quickly are we responding to [partner name] secret leaks?” Maybe you’re curious about the pace of updating your npm dependencies. Well, wonder no more!

With our new security tool filters, you can tailor your search to the exact details you’re curious about, giving you a more focused and relevant report for your needs.

Discover the new filters that are designed to transform your security analysis:

  • Dependabot filters: Zero in on a specific ecosystem, package, and dependency scope.
  • CodeQL/third-party filters: Drill down to the rule that matters most to you.
  • Secret scanning filters: Get granular with filters for secret type, provider, push protection bypassed status and validity.

These features are now available as a public beta on GitHub Enterprise Cloud and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.14.

Learn more about security overview and send us your feedback

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Secret scanning is expanding coverage to GitHub wiki content. If secret scanning is enabled for your repository, you’ll automatically begin to receive alerts for newly introduced secrets found in your GitHub wiki.

Publicly leaked secrets in GitHub wikis will also be sent to secret scanning partners participating in the secret scanning partner program.

Share feedback or learn more

Sign up for a 60 minute feedback session on secret scanning and be compensated for your time.

Learn how to secure your repositories with secret scanning or become a secret scanning partner.

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Available now, Actions users of our 2-vCPU GitHub-hosted Linux runners will be able to make use of hardware acceleration for Android testing. Previously this feature was only available on runners with 4 or more vCPUs.

To make use of this on Linux, Actions users will need to add the runner user to the KVM user group

      - name: Enable KVM group perms
        run: |
            echo 'KERNEL=="kvm", GROUP="kvm", MODE="0666", OPTIONS+="static_node=kvm"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-kvm4all.rules
            sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
            sudo udevadm trigger --name-match=kvm

You will then be able to make use of hardware acceleration when making use of Android emulator actions such as reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner.

For more information on how to set-up hardware acceleration, please see our documentation.

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Today we are announcing exciting updates for GitHub Actions hosted runners, the cloud-based service that provides powerful virtual machines to developers and teams to integrate their automation and CI/CD workflows within GitHub. These updates mark a significant leap towards enhancing enterprise readiness for GitHub Actions and a testament to our commitment to simplifying the adoption of GitHub Actions hosted runners across all project sizes and complexities.

  • Azure private networking functionality, that was previously in public beta, is now generally available. This feature allows you to run your Actions workflows on GitHub-hosted runners that are connected to your Azure virtual network, without compromising on security or performance.
  • We are introducing additional runner SKUs to our hosted runner fleet including a 2 vCPU Linux runner and a 4 vCPU Windows runner, both equipped with auto-scaling and private networking functionalities. Both these SKUs are generally available starting today and are geared to support scenarios where smaller machine sizes suffice yet the demand for heightened security and performance persists.
  • Apple silicon (M1) hosted runners, specifically macOS L (12-core Intel) and macOS XL (M1 w/GPU hardware acceleration) which were previously in public beta, are now generally available.
  • We are also unveiling a GPU hosted runner (4 vCPUs, 1 T4 GPU) available in public beta. The GPU runners are available on Linux and Windows, and are enabled with auto-scaling and private networking functionalities. These runners empower teams working with machine learning models such as large language models (LLMs) or those requiring GPU graphic cards for game development to run their tests more efficiently as part of their automation or CI/CD process.

Get Started

  • Azure private networking for GitHub-hosted runners is available across Team and Enterprise plans. To get started, navigate to the ‘Hosted Compute Networking’ section within your Enterprise or Organization settings. For more details, consult our documentation. To request support for additional Azure regions, please fill out this form. As a note, Azure private networking for GitHub Codespaces continues to remain in beta.
  • The newly added 2 vCPU Linux and 4 vCPU Windows SKUs are generally available starting today across Team and Enterprise plans. To use these runners, create a GitHub-hosted runner by selecting the ‘2-core’ or ‘4-core’ size options in the runner creation flow.
  • macOS L and macOS XL runners are generally available across Free, Team and Enterprise plans, and can be used by updating the runs-on key to use one of the GitHub-defined macOS runner labels. To learn more about pricing for these SKUs, refer to our documentation.
  • GPU runners are available starting today in public beta across Team and Enterprise plans. To learn more about how to setup the runner, images, and pricing, refer to our documentation. To share your feedback and help us find the right additional GPU SKUs to support, please fill out this form.

We’re eager to hear your feedback on any and all of these functionalities. Share your thoughts on our GitHub Community Discussion.

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