
Clangd's off-spec features for neovim's LSP client

a850053 fix: result is nil (#61)

a day ago

f36d788 fix: replace use of deprecated vim.lsp.buf_get_clients() (#57)

20 days ago


Requires Neovim 0.7+


Install this plugin using any plugin/package manager or see :h packages


Set up clangd via lspconfig/vim.lsp.start, as usual. You don't need to call require("clangd_extensions").setup if you like the defaults:

    inlay_hints = {
        inline = vim.fn.has("nvim-0.10") == 1,
        -- Options other than `highlight' and `priority' only work
        -- if `inline' is disabled
        -- Only show inlay hints for the current line
        only_current_line = false,
        -- Event which triggers a refresh of the inlay hints.
        -- You can make this { "CursorMoved" } or { "CursorMoved,CursorMovedI" } but
        -- note that this may cause higher CPU usage.
        -- This option is only respected when only_current_line is true.
        only_current_line_autocmd = { "CursorHold" },
        -- whether to show parameter hints with the inlay hints or not
        show_parameter_hints = true,
        -- prefix for parameter hints
        parameter_hints_prefix = "<- ",
        -- prefix for all the other hints (type, chaining)
        other_hints_prefix = "=> ",
        -- whether to align to the length of the longest line in the file
        max_len_align = false,
        -- padding from the left if max_len_align is true
        max_len_align_padding = 1,
        -- whether to align to the extreme right or not
        right_align = false,
        -- padding from the right if right_align is true
        right_align_padding = 7,
        -- The color of the hints
        highlight = "Comment",
        -- The highlight group priority for extmark
        priority = 100,
    ast = {
        -- These are unicode, should be available in any font
        role_icons = {
            type = "🄣",
            declaration = "🄓",
            expression = "🄔",
            statement = ";",
            specifier = "🄢",
            ["template argument"] = "🆃",
        kind_icons = {
            Compound = "🄲",
            Recovery = "🅁",
            TranslationUnit = "🅄",
            PackExpansion = "🄿",
            TemplateTypeParm = "🅃",
            TemplateTemplateParm = "🅃",
            TemplateParamObject = "🅃",
        --[[ These require codicons (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons)
            role_icons = {
                type = "",
                declaration = "",
                expression = "",
                specifier = "",
                statement = "",
                ["template argument"] = "",

            kind_icons = {
                Compound = "",
                Recovery = "",
                TranslationUnit = "",
                PackExpansion = "",
                TemplateTypeParm = "",
                TemplateTemplateParm = "",
                TemplateParamObject = "",
            }, ]]

        highlights = {
            detail = "Comment",
    memory_usage = {
        border = "none",
    symbol_info = {
        border = "none",


#Switch between source/header



#Inlay hints



Add this to your nvim-lspconfig / vim.lsp.start()'s on_attach:


You can also enable, disable or toggle the hints with ClangdSetInlayHints, ClangdDisableInlayHints and ClangdToggleInlayHints. Toggling returns the current state of the hints, this is useful if you want to hook a callback when toggling inlay hints:

if require("clangd_extensions.inlay_hints").toggle_inlay_hints() then
    -- Inlay hints are enabled
    -- Inlay hints are disabled

For example if you have autocommands related to Clangd inlay hints you might want to disable/enable them when toggling inlay hints:

on_attach = function(_, buf)
    local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("clangd_no_inlay_hints_in_insert", { clear = true })

    vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>lh", function()
        if require("clangd_extensions.inlay_hints").toggle_inlay_hints() then
            vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("InsertEnter", { group = group, buffer = buf,
                callback = require("clangd_extensions.inlay_hints").disable_inlay_hints
            vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "TextChanged", "InsertLeave" }, { group = group, buffer = buf,
                callback = require("clangd_extensions.inlay_hints").set_inlay_hints
            vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds({ group = group, buffer = buf })
    end, { buffer = buf, desc = "[l]sp [h]ints toggle" })

#View AST

image You can fold nodes using zc and friends - the AST window has shiftwidth=2 and foldmethod=indent.


:ClangdAST to view the ast with the current line as the range, :'<,'>ClangdAST with a visual selection to view the ast with the selected lines as range. See how ranges are handled at https://clangd.llvm.org/extensions#ast

#Completion scores

Usage: For nvim-cmp

local cmp = require "cmp"
cmp.setup {
    -- ... rest of your cmp setup ...

    sorting = {
        comparators = {

#Symbol info



:ClangdSymbolInfo with the cursor at the desired symbol.

#Type hierarchy



:ClangdTypeHierarchy with the cursor over the desired type or a symbol of that type. gd with the cursor over a type in a window to go to its definition.

#Memory usage

You can fold items using zc and friends - the memory usage window has shiftwidth=2 and foldmethod=indent. image


:ClangdMemoryUsage. Preamble can be large so it is collapsed by default, to expand it use :ClangdMemoryUsage expand_preamble

#Implementation status of extensions

☑️ Memory usage

☑️ AST

☑️ Symbol info request

☑️ Type hierarchy

☑️ Inlay hints

☑️ Switch between source/header

☑️ File status (see lsp-status.nvim)

☑️ Compilation commands (can be specified in vim.lsp.start()/lspconfig init_options and settings)

☑️ Code completion scores

⬜ Force diagnostics generation (not sure)


simrat39 - the code for inlay hints was taken from rust-tools.nvim with very minor changes.