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    A quick lesson in writing resilient code

    Here's a fun exercise: what's wrong with this code?

    // consider this pseudocode
    async function runsEveryHour() {
    	const items = await db.fetchUnprocessedItems()
    	let successCount = 0
    	try {
    		await db.transaction(async trx => {
    			for (let item of items) {
    				const result = await doSomethingFancy(item, trx)
    				if (result) {
    					successCount += 1
    		console.log(`Processed ${successCount} items`)
    	} catch (err) {
    		console.error("Error processing items", err)

    This is a simplified version of an hourly cronjob we had at work. Wakes up, fetches unprocessed data from the database, starts a new transaction, iterates over the items, and runs doSomethingFancy on every element. Reports progress or error at the end.

    Looks great, works great.

    Until one day we notice this code hasn't done anything in 5 days. It ran, but nothing happened. 🤨

    Consider partial success

    The code above is written in an all-or-nothing style. Either you process every item, or none of them.

    Using a try/catch ensures clean error handling and db.transaction turns the complex database interactions inside doSomethingFancy into an atomic operation. If a query fails, the database rolls back. As if nothing ever happened.

    You want to use this approach for atomic operations. Like when you're doing a specific task for a specific user. Imagine if charging a credit card failed separately from creating the order. You'd charge the user and never send the item 😬

    Background processing tasks are different.

    In cases like this, you're often fulfilling specific tasks for different users. Or multiple tasks for the same user. They should fail independently.

    If 1 item out of 200 fails, should the other 199 suffer? Doubt it.

    How to enable partial success

    You can overcomplicate this for massive scale with a fan-out approach like I wrote about in the Serverless Handbook chapter on data pipelines. Split the work into small chunks (like 1 item), process each chunk on its own request.

    An easier approach when the data is small and time isn't crucial – a background task that takes 10min to run is fine – is to invert the code to allow partial failures.

    Like this:

    // consider this pseudocode
    async function runsEveryHour() {
    	const items = await db.fetchUnprocessedItems()
    	let successCount = 0
    	let errorCount = 0
    	for (let item of items) {
    		try {
    			await db.transaction(async trx => {		
    				const result = await doSomethingFancy(item, trx)
    				if (result) {
    					successCount += 1
    		} catch (err) {
    			console.error("Error processing item", item, err)
    			errorCount += 1
    	console.log(`Processed ${successCount} items; got ${errorCount} errors`)

    We inverted the code to put our loop on the outside.

    Each item on its own runs in a database transaction because the internals of each operation may be complex and need to stay atomic. This allows items to fail separately.

    And we got better error reporting as a bonus.

    Instead of seeing "These 200 items failed" we get "This specific item failed". Much easier to debug. ✌️


    PS: even if you know that anything can and will fail on the backend, it's easy to miss issues like this in code review. And this was the most obvious case I've seen.

    Published on March 21st, 2022 in Technical, Lessons, Resilience

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