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    A retrospective of an unproductive day

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    Last night I was going to bed thinking "Man, I accomplished nothing today! What a waste."

    But then I stopped feeling bad (and became awesome instead) and thought about a small bit of advice Marc Anderssen pushed into the internet a few weeks ago - the trick to feeling productive is simply remembering all the things you did that day.

    When I did that, my day suddenly started looking pretty good

    1. I wrote a blogpost about an old trick that was new to me - 2000 people read it.
    2. I had a skype call with a potential client, which went very well
    3. Had a cup of tea with friends (and I totally got gifts for my two-weeks-ago birthday, score!)
    4. Solved two important UX problems on a project
    5. Delivered an "I went traveling" gift
    6. Processed 30+ emails
    7. Wrote a few thoughtful replies
    8. Picked up my sister because super bad weather and buses don't mix
    9. Had boxing practice

    Sometimes the difference between being productive and feeling productive is simply that you ended up doing other things than what you planned, or they were things that have to get done, but aren't something you really care about.

    Other times you were just lazy.

    It's sometimes difficult to tell which day was which.

    Published on November 6th, 2012 in Uncategorized

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