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    Bitter cold and Neil Gaiman

    Today I woke up into a somewhat warm room, but my bed was warmer. So I hit snooze, I can afford five more minutes. Then I hit snooze again. And again. And again. Ok so it's now been 30 minutes of snoozing in a warm bed. Fuck it, let's turn off the alarm, I can be warm for another 15 minutes right? Yes, of course, but it turned into 45 minutes instead. Oops. A quick shower and clothing later and I'm already on my way to work.

    Getting to work is a five minute walk for me. It was a cold morning, but a refreshing walk. I rather enjoyed it to be honest. But when I got to work something felt funny on my head, it was somewhat itchy and annoying. I go in to scratch it and ... lo and behold, my hair had frozen solid. What the fuck?

    But anyway, I've been reading Neil Gaiman's Journal lately and I like it so much that I want to become one of those Neil Gaiman readers, so I've decided to write him this question:

    Dear Neil Gaiman,

    I'm not a crazy fan and have until recently not even known you existed. That was, until I saw Amanda Palmer's webcam stream from a dinner with friends she did a while ago (I AM a crazy fan of hers, I admit). You seemed like a cool guy so I decided to check out your blog. This was the epiphany when I realised she doesn't say the Google You song was written by an "unknown gamer", but by "Neil Gaiman". Why those two sound so similar I don't know, probably because I'm not english.

    Anyhow, I really like your blog and find it a delightful read. But seeming as how you write a lot more than just the blog and I'm becoming increasingly interested in reading your stuff, I was just wondering if you could make a recommendation on where to start? What would you say is your best work to reel in a new reader who has never had any contact with anything you've done?

    So yep, I'm just gonna go ahead and submit that through his "ask Neil Gaiman" thingy and hope for the best. Or can either of you readers suggest something?

    Published on January 12th, 2009 in blog, life

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