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    I learned two things today 21.8.

    Today I learned that people really really love postcards. Bought one too many yesterday (it later turned out I didn't buy too many, I just forgot my grandmother might like getting one) and offered on Facebook on Twitter to send the first person who gives me their address a postcard.

    Five people asked for one. So now that I was going to buy postcards anyway I asked for random people who might like a postcard and ended up having to buy fourteen of them. Well ok, three of those are for some cool professors @zidarsk8 reminded me of.

    Point is, people love postcards still.

    Another thing I learned is that in the US they have automated stamp dispensing machine. You just swipe a credit card, press a few buttons and ugly stamps come out. Quite an amazing system if you need stamps on a Sunday afternoon.

    PS: bonus thing I learned; wearing a bunny hat in Cheesecake Factory does not phase the waiters at all.

    Published on August 21st, 2011 in Learning, Personal

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