App Store Connect API

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The App Store Connect API helps you automate tasks usually done on the Apple Developer website and App Store Connect.

App Store Connect API Documentation

Posts under App Store Connect API tag

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Hi, i am trying to upload certificate signing request (CSR) for Pass Type ID via API, using this endpoint Request body looks like this, with POST method and content type application/json: { "data": { "attributes": { "certificateType": "PASS_TYPE_ID", "csrContent": "LS0tL...S0tLS0K" }, "type": "certificates" } } csrContent is base64 encoded. The response from API is: { "errors" : [ { "id" : "71a...4c9", "status" : "404", "code" : "NOT_FOUND", "title" : "The specified resource does not exist", "detail" : "There is no identifier with ID 'null' on this team." } ] } CSR was created with KeyChain on Mac (as described here:, but i can also do it with OpenSSL. First of all, there is no pairing information between Pass Type Identifier and certificate in request. Status 404? I would expect 400. And given detail is totally useless... The documentation is poor for this topic: So that brings me to the idea of adding it (Pass Type Identifier) to the CSR content, but where? I am able to read all certificates stored via Developer Account and put them together with private keys... but storing it is pain... Does anyone have an idea?
by holdaak.
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So creating a IOS-DEVELOPMENT certificate is pretty straight forward... and I suspect some of the other types as well ... but when I try to create a PASS_TYPE_ID certificate it fails with some response messages... "STATUS" : "404" "code" : "NOT_FOUND" "title" : "The specified resource does not exist" "detail" : "There is no identifier with ID 'null' on this team" So it would appear it's expecting more attributes to be set in the payload that are specific to creating that type of certificate. Which of course makes sense. There has to be a way of assigning it to a Pass Type ID that you have created. (It would be nice if the API could at least list existing Pass IDs, or even create them - but I've not seen how yet). But for the life of me I can't find or figure out the syntax for this. Anyone have any luck?
by dBrewster.
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The docs here: Imply that you can create a certificate with a certificateType of PASS_TYPE_ID_WITH_NFC or PASS_TYPE_ID. However, when using the API, I get a 404 or a 403 status code when attempting to use them. Additionally, there is no documented way to associate the certificate to a particular bundle id for the pass type. Has anyone been able to successfully create a certificate for passes? If so what request did you send?
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I am trying to automate PASS\_TYPE\_ID certificate creation via AppleConnect API, I cannot find what parameters I should use to be able to create this type of certificate. When I try to POST this data to {'data': {'attributes': {'certificateType': 'PASS\_TYPE\_ID', 'csrContent': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----------END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n'}, 'type': 'certificates'}} I get this error: {'errors': [{'code': 'NOTFOUND', 'detail': "There is no identifier with ID 'null' on this team.", 'id': '5c9f7d3c-ce75-43a4-b3ac-b295a8f146db', 'status': '404', 'title': 'The specified resource does not exist'}]} From OpenAPI spec is not clear what parameters should be used and 'certificateType': 'PASSTYPE_ID' is not covered there. Do you have idea or example how to do it?
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It looks like Arabic is not supported by BetaBuildLocalizationCreateRequest Is there any way to update this localization programmatically? If not, any timeline when it will be available? The goal here is to add "What's New" notes automatically in CI
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Automating the release process. (For policy reason need to use curl cmd, not permitted to use fastlane/etc for this step) Reading the App Store Connect API, I am uncertain what to pass as the "http body" during the POST action. What is AppStoreVersionReleaseRequestCreateRequest I would guess it goes in the "--data-raw" of curl cmd? There doesn't seem to be example snippet. Draft cmd: curl --location --request POST "<appStoreVersionReleaseRequests-api>" --header "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT}" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "key?": "value?" }' REF
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Hello! I am having issues retrieving data from the Apple Store Connect API. Here is the call I am making: $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer SECUREINFORMATION") $response = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers $response | ConvertTo-Json I have removed the JWT token for privacy. Here is the response I am receiving: { "data": [], "links": { "self": "" }, "meta": { "paging": { "total": 0, "limit": 50 } } } The issue is that no matter what filters I apply to my call or which ID I select to view instances for I am always returned an empty array. This is a problem because I need to download report data for our organisations apps using the API. Please let me know how I restructure my call to be returned valid information. Feel free to reach out if there is any other information required!
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I've been trying to move my app creation code from fastlane to the App Store Connect API but I'm struggling with the docs. I'm unable to determine how I can create App Groups, iCloud Containers, and APNS keys. Can someone point me towards the docs on how to create and manage these resources? Here's where I've been looking: I imagine that I'm not looking for the correct terminology and I would appreciate the guidance to find what I'm looking for. Thanks!!
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Hello, The issues we previously identified still need your attention. If you have any questions, we are here to help. Reply to this message in App Store Connect and let us know. Review Environment Submission ID: 00fc9b08-3da8-4b89-8810-740174730062 Review date: April 21, 2024 Version reviewed: 1.0 Guideline 3.2.1 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable Your app provides financial services but does not meet all the requirements for apps providing these services. Specifically: The app must be published under a seller and company name that is associated with the organization or company providing the services. In this case, your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the Askmefund name. The account that submits the app must be enrolled in the Apple Developer Program as an organization, and not as an individual. These requirements give App Store users confidence that apps offering financial services are qualified to provide these services and will responsibly manage their data. Please provide ownership documentation or modify the vendor seller name. Please Help me.
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I have been trying to enroll onto the program for sometime now but it doesn't go through. I provided every detail accurately but still haven't received any meaningful update. Is it normal that during the purchase we aren't asked to provide the CVV number of our credit card hence payment couldn't be processed or what? The email I received highlighted an enroll request and order. I have consistently sent so many messages but no replies. If the wait time is even a year, isn't it advisable to make it known to the people rather than making it seem an easy process of only two business days. The time I received has long elapsed and I don't how to go about it now. Nothing works.
by BVolta.
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Trying to get the relevant app (it exists and published) by this endpoint:{id}/app Receiving error 404: "errors" : [ { "id" : "ec7b1469-fe54-4ad5-9f2b-f665c31a6358", "status" : "404", "code" : "PATH_ERROR_REALTIONSHIP", "title" : "The URL path is not valid", "detail" : "The relationship 'app' does not exist on resource 'bundleIds'" } ] Doing everything according to documentation. Tried to pass both Bundle ID id and Bundle ID itself. What could be the problem?
by kelin.
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Hello Apple Developer Community, I am writing to request urgent support regarding the recent removal of our app, which has been available on the App Store for over a year serving a large user base. We were notified that our app violated Section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, but we have not altered our operations recently and believe this to be a misunderstanding. We have attempted to reach out via email but have not received further details or the opportunity to rectify or discuss the alleged issue. Historically, developers are given a chance to resolve concerns before an app is removed, a courtesy we were unfortunately not extended. We seek clarity on the specific violations and an opportunity to address any issues to comply fully with Apple's guidelines. The removal has significantly impacted our users and our team, and we are committed to resolving this swiftly to restore service to our users. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to your guidance and support. Below is the notification we received from Apple regarding the termination of our agreements: Apple has terminated the Apple Developer Program License Agreement and the Apple Developer Agreement with our company effective immediately. According to the notice, the reason provided for this action is an alleged violation of Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement, which includes accusations of fraudulent conduct associated with our account. This has led to the immediate cessation of our status as an Apple developer and termination under both the ADP and Developer Agreements.
by Taehee.
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Hello, I'm creating an app in Visual Studio 2022 (Windows) and I'm attempting to go through the steps of porting it to my iPhone. However, for the past two days I've been encountering an error when attempting to log in to my individual developer account using my API key information. The message I'm getting states: "An unexpected error occurred, An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at" I've already tried clearing the cache and I've tried connecting on two different networks but nothing has worked. This is incredibly frustrating and I'm failing to find a solution. Is this something I can even fix on my own, or do I just have to wait for Apple to resolve an issue?
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Hi , Im trying to understand how to get the App Store Discovery and Engagement report from the API as mentioned here: this documentation shows i can get data on users engagement in my app but i cant find the documentation on how the api request needs to look like .. did someone managed to get this data ?
by dana_365.
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While trying to register a marketplace domain as documented on ( I'm getting the following error: {'errors': [{'id': '911f9861-23b3-42a2-80d2-a46bc7218246', 'status': '409', 'code': 'ENTITY_ERROR.ATTRIBUTE.INVALID', 'title': 'The provided entity includes an attribute with an invalid value', 'detail': 'Provided domain is invalid.', 'source': {'pointer': '/data/attributes/domain'}}]} I've tried multiple forms of writing the same domain and keep getting the same error. Wondering if there are any special rules for the domain format that I'm unaware of.
by tiaguu.
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Hello! In the App Store Connect API there is no way to upload data in the UTC time zone, it is only available in the PST. Meanwhile, in the web account it is possible to change the time zone, this leads to the impossibility of compiling analytics This API endpoint
by PWNZ505.
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Hi to everyone, I've been attempting to automate the download of sales reports from App Store Connect through their API, but I've facing error 403: "id" : "2e8d7856-21f7-4436-9aa3-f43c36913d21", "status" : "403", "code" : "FORBIDDEN_ERROR", "title" : "This request is forbidden for security reasons", "detail" : "The API key in use does not allow this request" Below is the Python script I'm using to execute the API call, and I've confirmed my user role is set to admin: from datetime import datetime, timedelta from time import time, mktime import jwt import requests dt = + timedelta(minutes=19) KEY_ID = "***" ISSUER_ID = "***" headers = { "alg": "ES256", "kid": KEY_ID, "typ": "JWT", } payload = { "iss": ISSUER_ID, "iat": int(time()), "exp": int(mktime(dt.timetuple())), "aud": "appstoreconnect-v1", } with open("AuthKey_76VXCFGVZK.p8", "rb") as fh: # Add your file signing_key = gen_jwt = jwt.encode(payload, signing_key, algorithm="ES256", headers=headers) url = '' params = { 'filter[frequency]': 'YEARLY', 'filter[reportDate]': '2021', 'filter[reportSubType]': 'DETAILED', 'filter[reportType]': 'INSTALLS', 'filter[vendorNumber]': '***' } headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {gen_jwt}' } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) if response.status_code == 200: with open('sales_report.csv', 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) else: print(f'Failed to download sales report: {response.status_code} - {response.text}') I found in the forum some users (similar post) that had my same issue but it seem that there's no way out. So now I'm wondering if I made some mistake in my code. I hope you can help me with this. Thanks in advance.
by Edo909_.
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Hello! I'm tasked with implementing the App Store Connect Analytics API report exports and I've noticed some major discrepancies between the Standard and Detailed reports. I need to use the Detailed report specifically because of the breakdown by 'Source Info' which lets us break downloads and revenue down by specific App Referrers. I have exported and processed both Standard and Detailed reports for one of our apps. Standard report downloads totals do match with the App Store Connect Metrics dashboard. However the detailed report totals appear wildly inaccurate. Just as an example, I requested ONE_TIME_SNAPSHOT reports for the same app and there are major differences in the volume of data between standard and detailed. App Store Downloads Standard: 4,331,848 rows across 35 segments. App Store Downloads Detailed: 1,476,971 rows across 18 segments. The total numbers for First downloads and Redownloads are at least 40% lower in the detailed reports as they are in the standard reports/app store connect. Unfortunately the Standard report does not offer the granularity we want and the Detailed report is missing too much data to be useful. Are there no other official way of getting this data?
by yannickfj.
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I've tried uploading pictures into the app preview section, however they disappear and only show as a blank image with a grey cloud in the middle when I reload the page. If I hover my mouse over it, it says 'This file has not yet been uploaded', and stays like that. I left it for a few hours and the images still hadn't been uploaded. It also shows an uploads operations error and upload fail error in the console when I try uploading the images. How would I go about solving this issue so I can upload preview images? Thanks
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WWDC announced this new feature where you can distribute builds that are only for testing, not to be submitted to the App Store. Is there a way via the API to do this? It's available in Xcode distribution window, but that's not helpful for automation.
by gngrwzrd.
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