Interface Builder

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Build interfaces for applications without writing code using Interface Builder, an editor within Xcode.

Interface Builder Documentation

Posts under Interface Builder tag

109 Posts
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Hi there, Since Apple keeps force updating macOS and Xcode versions, and iOS versions, whats the point in keeping support for Storyboards? SwiftUI is the new standard. Storyboards can be used in older versions of mac and Xcode. I would like to see Apple focusing on performance more than features. Thanks
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Starting from Xcode 15.3, previously set custom fonts can no longer be found in XIB files. Sometimes they reappear after deleting and setting the font again, but after a while, they disappear again. Can Xcode please be more stable and considerate of the user experience we developers are trying to create? I'm really frustrated.
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The devs really hate this things, but as a project manager I need to know the time estimates. So in development favour I really want to know the time estimate to setup and XCode project, considering project as an average case (includes complexity). So I can really know hpow much time do they actually take or they are just giving over estimates.
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Hello everyone!! I am writing to inquire about the procedures for testing an application I am developing for iOS devices. The application has been developed using Flutter, and I would like to make it available for testing on my colleague's iPhone, who serves as our QA tester. Currently, my account on the App Store is free, and I would like to ensure proper testing before proceeding with deployment to the Apple Store. As the application is quite large, I am unable to provide it in debug mode on the QA tester's device. Therefore, I would like to enable them to use the application on their personal device for a few days to provide comprehensive feedback on performance and features. Could you please provide guidance on how to proceed with this beta testing process? I am committed to adhering to all of Apple's guidelines and policies to ensure a high-quality user experience. I would be very grateful if anyone could help me out on this, Thank you.
by VORP.
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Hi! I've got a custom UICollectionViewLayout which has its cells and two supplementary kind of views scattered all over randomly within its bounds. It should be a calendar month view with day of week labels on top, week numbers on the left (supplementary views) and day cells in the middle (items). So far I tracked down that the layoutAttributesForItem(at indexPath:) and layoutAttributesForSupplementaryView(ofKind elementKind:, at indexPath:) are not getting called. Which gives them a reason not to be placed where they should be. layoutAttributesForElements(in rect: ) gets called indeed and the returned value is also OK: override func layoutAttributesForElements(in rect: CGRect) -> [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]? { super.layoutAttributesForElements(in: rect) var arr = [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]() arr.append(contentsOf: AllAttributes.filter({ (Item:UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes) -> Bool in (collectionView!.numberOfSections) > Item.indexPath.section && rect.intersects(Item.frame) })) return arr //47 long array of UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes } In IB the Collection View is specified to be Custom Layout and the respective subclass is specified there. I inspected the official example code here: The only diffrerence I see is that the example uses UICollectionViewController, which is specified to be Flow Layout in IB, and then the UICollectionView is re-instantiated in code as custom during viewDidLoad. Could that really make a difference? This solution would not be too convenient for me, as I have also other controls on my Controller View. Any help would be appreciated.
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Hello everyone, I'm facing a problem that I can't connect the button to the unwind segue. I have made a simple application with three controllers. The unwind segue code is located in Table View Controller. @IBAction func unwindToTableViewController(_ unwindSegue: UIStoryboardSegue) { let sourceViewController = unwindSegue.source } A first segue has been implemented from the Add button on Table View Controller to the View controller. It is a Push type. There is a Save button as Bar Button Item in the View Controller. When I try to drag a connection from Save button to the Exit icon of the View Controller, the context menu does not open indicating the unwind segue. Instead, a context menu appears with different types of segues. At the same time, if I just click the Exit icon, a context menu appears where the unwind method is visible. Just in case, I re-read the documentation again and looked at examples of using the unwind method. There is no mention of this problem anywhere. The only hypothesis left is that this problem is related to the new version of Xcode. The example of application given here was created in XCode 15.3. I have tested the same application on another computer, where the version of Xcode is 13.4.1. There, when I try to drag a connection from the Save button to the Exit icon, a context menu appears with the name of the unwind method. But the problem didn't end there because after the connection is established, the button does not work and the View Controller does not dismiss. I can't understand why this is happens. It worked before. Is that one a bug or the feature? How to fix it? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
by John368.
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I am new to using iOS Objective-C size classes like Regular, compact, Any. I found that Compact size classes are anything less than ~640 pts and Regular size classes are anything larger than ~640 pts . Is that correct for both iphone and ipad? How can I use size class to make an image full screen on all the iphone and ipad devices and on any orientation? How many images will I need? Any help and insight is greatly appreciated!
by m2024.
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UICollectionView vision becomes small for a few seconds when cell tap See image [Before] [After] In practice, when I press on the cell (tap) it should tag the element, on iOS 17 it works perfectly, on iOS 15.8.1 however it has the ugly effect of shrinking the entire content of the collectionview for a few seconds. Can anybody help me ? I don't know where to look anymore
by m.chiodi.
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xcode version: Version 15.3 I successfully build app with xcode. And when I tried to distribute app on appStore, Xcode keeps being killed without any error log. I also rebooted computer. It seems it killed in signing progress,, but it is configured singing well.
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I have a collelctionview inside a tableview cell in UIKit. The cells of the collectionview have dynamic content and their height and width depends on the content, which decides the height of the collectionview inside tableview cell. I have used many methods to calculate height correctly at first and as I scroll the tableview or perform any button action, the height does not gets correctly to me. Please provide a good solution or replacement for this problem.
by Ayush0406.
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I have successfully created the Intents UI Extension file for the wallet, obtained the requisite certificate, and adhered to the MeaWallet guidelines. Additionally, I have generated a sandbox login ID and successfully logged into the simulator using the sandbox login ID. In an attempt to integrate the Intents UI Extension file into an existing project, I followed these steps: Debug -> Attach to Process by PID or Name. Subsequently, I conducted a search for the Intents UI Extension file name, selected the appropriate file, and clicked the attach button. However, Xcode is currently displaying 'waiting for attachment.' Despite these efforts, I encountered an issue where the wallet extension controller is unable to access the application when attempting to run it.
by Theju.
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I have a UIScrollView that works perfectly on simulators for all the devices and orientations. However, whenever I try to do testing of the App on an actual device, the UIScrollView is all black. In addition, it looks like it scrolls since there's a scroll bar along the edge that moves when I try to "scroll" the black box. However, when I change orientations of the device, it no longer even does that. I have stopped the App at various points to test out the heights and widths of the various views and they all look good. Yet, nothing but a black box shows up on the device. Any thoughts? Thanks.
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Hello Folks! I'm new to Xcode and I'm trying to create a simple 2D-Game with c++ and I found out, that SFML offers a nice tool to create a game engine. Now my purpose is to develop tools for studying and I'm trying to link SFML with Xcode. Since I already was successful in creating a pop-up window via the terminal I believe I can handle to do it with Xcode. I tried the following: I created a new SFML project in Xcode with the same Main.cpp file. I went to the build settings and changes the Header-Path to the SFML-Include folder and the Library-Path to the SFML-lib folder. I also linked the binaries with the libraries in the build phase. When I run the script Xcode told me, that the build was successful and the app tried to open the window (It jumped around and appears in the strip. But I also got an error message, that the dynamic libraries couldn't load. It would be very nice, if someone could help me with my issue. Happy to hear from you, kind regards Jeremy
by Jryl123.
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I have seen similar problems reported but find myself unable to fix this. I have datePicker and a segmented control as subviews in a stack, built on the interface builder. These display on the interface builder with the correct white color text but once the app builds on the simulator, it displays as black text. I have tried setting the value for the color in viewDidLoad using: datePicker.setValue(UIColor.white, forKeyPath: "textColor") but with no luck. I'm not sure if the fact they are in a subview is the problem, and I'm just missing a tick box somewhere? It's especially confusing that it seems to display properly on the storyboard but as soon as the app loads it reverts to black. Could this be a bug in Xcode? Many thanks for any help.
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I'm experimenting with the relatively new (to me) compact DatePicker. I'd like a column of aligned fields, the first two on top are date pickers for user input, the ones below that are dates outputted in textfields calculated from dates input by user. In Interface Builder in Xcode, it looks mostly like I want it, black text centered in white rectangular text fields. But in production on my iPhone, the DatePickers are functional, but they are not centered and they appear on a gray background. I haven't been able to figure out what settings to adjust to make the DatePicker's date centered and on white background. Screenshots attached. Grateful for help. --JS
by jds91md.
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I have an issue where I see bottom navigation bar "menu". I created a menu so I don't need that default navigation bar. I just want to delete it so it does not shows at all. Any tips? To be clear I need to delete that "gray" bar behind white menu.
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