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Add Swift Package Manager as new opt-in feature for iOS and macOS #145721

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@vashworth vashworth commented Mar 25, 2024

This PR adds initial support for Swift Package Manager (SPM). Users must opt in. Only compatible with Xcode 15+.

Included Features

This PR includes the following features:

  • Enabling SPM via config
    flutter config --enable-swift-package-manager
  • Disabling SPM via config (will disable for all projects)
    flutter config --no-enable-swift-package-manager
  • Disabling SPM via pubspec.yaml (will disable for the specific project)
  disable-swift-package-manager: true
  • Migrating existing apps to add SPM integration if using a Flutter plugin with a Package.swift
    • Generates a Swift Package (named FlutterGeneratedPluginSwiftPackage) that handles Flutter SPM-compatible plugin dependencies. Generated package is added to the Xcode project.
  • Error parsing of common errors that may occur due to using CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager together
  • Tool will print warnings when using all Swift Package plugins and encourage you to remove CocoaPods

This PR also converts integration_test and integration_test_macos plugins to be both Swift Packages and CocoaPod Pods.

How it Works

The Flutter CLI will generate a Swift Package called FlutterGeneratedPluginSwiftPackage and add it to the Xcode project via the project.pbxproj.

The FlutterGeneratedPluginSwiftPackage package will have local dependencies on all Swift Package compatible Flutter plugins. These plugins will be symlinked into a directory in the project (e.g. app_name/ios/Flutter/Packages/ephemeral/.symlinks/plugins/integration_test) except for the Package.swift - the Package.swift will be copied. The Flutter CLI will alter the copied Package.swift to inject things like the path to the Flutter framework and minimum deployment targets.

This is done because plugins must be linked to the Flutter framework to compile and although it automatically uses the BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR as a framework search path, if the plugin doesn't define a dependency on the Flutter framework, there's no guarantee that the framework will be processed and put in the BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR before the plugin is compiled. We also enforce a minimum iOS/macOS deployment target so that plugins will always have a target higher than or equal to the Flutter framework - if it was lower, SPM will error.

Flutter plugins with a Package.swift must follow a certain template to be usable by the Flutter CLI. The Flutter CLI will throw an error about the plugin being invalid if missing key parts. See comment (step 3) below for template.

CocoaPods will continue to run and be used to support non-Swift Package compatible Flutter plugins.

Not Included Features

It does not include the following (will be added in future PRs):

  • Create plugin template
  • Create app template
  • Add-to-App integration

Pre-launch Checklist

If you need help, consider asking for advice on the #hackers-new channel on Discord.

@github-actions github-actions bot added a: tests "flutter test", flutter_test, or one of our tests platform-ios iOS applications specifically tool Affects the "flutter" command-line tool. See also t: labels. framework flutter/packages/flutter repository. See also f: labels. a: desktop Running on desktop f: integration_test The flutter/packages/integration_test plugin labels Mar 25, 2024
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vashworth commented Apr 2, 2024

Preliminary instructions on how to convert plugins to Swift Packages

Converting an existing Objective-C Plugin to a Swift Package

Converting an existing Objective-C Plugin to a Swift Package

Replace plugin_name throughout this guide with the name of your plugin.

  1. Start by creating a directory under the ios, macos, and/or darwin directories. Name this new directory the name of the platform package. The below example uses ios, replace ios with macos/darwin if applicable.
  1. Within this new directory, create the following files/directories:
    • Package.swift (file)
    • Sources (directory)
    • Sources/plugin_name_ios (directory)
    • Sources/plugin_name_ios/Resources (directory)
    • Sources/plugin_name_ios/include (directory)
    • Sources/plugin_name_ios/include/plugin_name_ios (directory)
  1. Use the following template in the Package.swift
// swift-tools-version: 5.9
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let pluginMinimumIOSVersion = Version("12.0.0")
let pluginMinimumMacOSVersion = Version("10.14.0")

let package = Package(
    name: "plugin_name_ios",
    platforms: [
        flutterMinimumIOSVersion(pluginTargetVersion: pluginMinimumIOSVersion),
        flutterMinimumMacOSVersion(pluginTargetVersion: pluginMinimumMacOSVersion)
    products: [
        .library(name: "plugin_name_ios", targets: ["plugin_name_ios"])
    dependencies: [
    targets: [
            name: "plugin_name_ios",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "Flutter", package: "Flutter")
            exclude: ["plugin_name_ios.modulemap", "plugin_name_ios-umbrella.h"],
            resources: [
            cSettings: [

/// Returns the Package.Dependency for the Flutter framework.
/// Do not edit or remove. Used by the Flutter CLI to ensure the correct framework is used.
/// - Parameters:
///   - localFrameworkPath: The path to the Flutter framework Swift Package. Can be used when
///     locally developing the package. Will not be used when ran with the Flutter CLI.
/// - Returns: A Package.Dependency for the Flutter framework.
func flutterFrameworkDependency(localFrameworkPath: String? = nil) -> Package.Dependency {
   let flutterFrameworkPackagePath = localFrameworkPath ?? "unknown"
   return .package(name: "Flutter", path: flutterFrameworkPackagePath)

/// Returns the SupportedPlatform for iOS, ensuring the minimum deployment target version for the
/// iOS platform is always greater than or equal to that of the Flutter framework.
/// Do not edit or remove. Used by the Flutter CLI to ensure the correct minimum deployment target
/// version for iOS is used.
/// - Parameters:
///   - pluginTargetVersion: The minimum deployment target version for iOS.
/// - Returns: The SupportedPlatform for iOS.
func flutterMinimumIOSVersion(pluginTargetVersion: Version) -> SupportedPlatform {
   let iosFlutterMinimumVersion = Version("12.0.0")
   var versionString = pluginTargetVersion.description
   if iosFlutterMinimumVersion > pluginTargetVersion {
       versionString = iosFlutterMinimumVersion.description
   return SupportedPlatform.iOS(versionString)

/// Returns the SupportedPlatform for macOS, ensuring the minimum deployment target version for the
/// macOS platform is always greater than or equal to that of the Flutter framework.
/// Do not edit or remove. Used by the Flutter CLI to ensure the correct minimum deployment target
/// version for macOS is used.
/// - Parameters:
///   - pluginTargetVersion: The minimum deployment target version for macOS.
/// - Returns: The SupportedPlatform for macOS.
func flutterMinimumMacOSVersion(pluginTargetVersion: Version) -> SupportedPlatform {
   let macosFlutterMinimumVersion = Version("10.14.0")
   var versionString = pluginTargetVersion.description
   if macosFlutterMinimumVersion > pluginTargetVersion {
       versionString = macosFlutterMinimumVersion.description
   return SupportedPlatform.macOS(versionString)
  • Note: If you do not have a modulemap or umbrella header file, you can remove the exclude field from the Package.swift.
  1. Move any resource files from ios/Assets or ios/Resources to Sources/plugin_name_ios/Resources
    • If you have a PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy, it should also go in this directory
  2. Move any public headers from ios/Classes to Sources/plugin_name_ios/include/plugin_name_ios
    • If you don't put any headers in the include/plugin_name_ios directory, add a .gitkeep file to ensure the directory gets committed
  3. Move all remaining files from ios/Classes to Sources/plugin_name_ios
  4. ios/Assets, ios/Resources, ios/Classes should now be empty and can be deleted
  5. If using pigeon, you'll want to update your pigeon input file
- objcHeaderOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.h',
+ objcHeaderOut: 'ios/plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios/messages.g.h',
- objcSourceOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.m',
+ objcSourceOut: 'ios/plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios/messages.g.m',
  1. Enable Swift Package Manager
flutter config --enable-swift-package-manager
  1. Run the example app using flutter run

    • If your project doesn't use any dependencies, you can skip to step 10. You may still want read the following step 9 to learn about how to edit your Package.swift through Xcode
    • If your project uses dependencies, it will probably fail with error about missing files/classes - that's okay, move on to the next step
  2. Update your Package.swift with any customizations you may need

    1. Open /plugin_name/plugin_name_ios/ios/plugin_name_ios/ in Xcode

      • If package does not show any files in Xcode, quit Xcode (Xcode > Quit Xcode) and reopen
      • You don't need to edit your Package.swift through Xcode, but Xcode will provide helpful feedback
    2. Set localFrameworkPath parameter in flutterFrameworkDependency function to make package resolve

      • Make sure not to commit the localFrameworkPath
      flutterFrameworkDependency(localFrameworkPath: "path/to/plugin_name/plugin_name_ios/example/ios/Flutter/Packages/ephemeral/Flutter")
      • Alternatively, you can use an environment variable to set the localFrameworkPath to ensure the path stays out of your Package.swift, however you have to open Xcode via command line to pass the environment variable to it
    import Foundation
    flutterFrameworkDependency(localFrameworkPath: ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["FLUTTER_FRAMEWORK_PACKAGE_PATH"])
    FLUTTER_FRAMEWORK_PACKAGE_PATH=path/to/plugin_name/plugin_name_ios/example/ios/Flutter/Packages/ephemeral/Flutter open Package.swift -a Xcode
    1. Add dependencies
    2. If your package must be linked explicitly static or dynamic, update the Product to define the type
    products: [
        .library(name: "plugin_name_ios", type: .static, targets: ["plugin_name_ios"])
    1. Make any other customizations - see for more info on how to write a Package.swift.
  3. Update your plugin_name_ios.podspec to point to new paths.

- s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*.{h,m}'
+ s.source_files = 'plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios/**/*.{h,m}'

- s.public_header_files = 'Classes/**/*.h'
+ s.public_header_files = 'plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios/**/*.h'

- s.module_map = 'Classes/plugin_name_ios.modulemap'
+ s.module_map = 'plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios/plugin_name_ios.modulemap'

- s.resource_bundles = {'plugin_name_ios_privacy' => ['Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy']}
+ s.resource_bundles = {'plugin_name_ios_privacy' => ['plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios/Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy']}
  1. Update getting of resources from bundle to use SWIFTPM_MODULE_BUNDLE
   NSBundle *bundle = SWIFTPM_MODULE_BUNDLE;
   NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
 NSURL *imageURL = [bundle URLForResource:@"image" withExtension:@"jpg"];
  • Note: SWIFTPM_MODULE_BUNDLE will only work if there are actual resources under plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios/Resources. Otherwise, it will fail.
  1. Ensure your example app runs successfully with flutter run with both Swift Package Manager enabled and disabled

Moving unit tests from example app to Swift Package (optional)

Previously, unit tests were added directly to the example app. This may have forced you to make certain headers public or used a separate test module.

  1. Open example app project in Xcode
  2. Create plugin_name_ios_test directory in plugin_name_ios/Sources
  3. Drag files from RunnerTests to plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios_test
  4. Create include directory at plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios_test/include
    • If you don't put any headers in the include directory, add a .gitkeep file to ensure the directory gets committed
  5. Add plugin_name_ios_test library and target to Package.swift
    • Do not edit Package.swift via example app Project navigator as this is a copied version
    • Edit Package.swift by opening Package directory in Xcode (see step 10 above) or via another editor
    products: [
        .library(name: "plugin_name_ios", targets: ["plugin_name_ios"]),
        .library(name: "plugin_name_ios_test", targets: ["plugin_name_ios_test"])
    targets: [
            name: "plugin_name_ios",
            name: "plugin_name_ios_test",
            dependencies: [
            resources: [
            cSettings: [
  1. Run flutter build ios --config-only to regenerate updated plugin_name_ios's Package.swift
  2. [May not apply to everyone] Replace usage of test module (could be something like @import plugin_name_ios.Test; with imported headers instead.
  3. Create a new Swift Package in Xcode > File > New > Package...
    1. Select empty template
    2. Name it FlutterPluginTest and put within plugin_name/plugin_name_ios/example/ios/Flutter/Packages
  4. Update FlutterPluginTest's Package.swift
// swift-tools-version: 5.9
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "FlutterPluginTest",
    platforms: [
    dependencies: [
        .package(path: "../ephemeral/FlutterGeneratedPluginSwiftPackage"),
        .package(name: "plugin_name_ios", path: "../ephemeral/.symlinks/plugins/plugin_name_ios/ios/plugin_name_ios")
    targets: [
            name: "FlutterPluginTest",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "plugin_name_ios_test", package: "plugin_name_ios")
  1. Create at least one test file - this file can be blank
  2. Add FlutterPluginTest to Packages group in Xcode
    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3 11 56 PM

Ensure you don't add it to any Targets

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3 12 15 PM
  1. Add FlutterPluginTest to the scheme's Test settings
    1. In Xcode open Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme
    2. Click Test section in left sidebar
    3. Click + button
      Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3 12 50 PM
    4. Select FlutterPluginTest (if it does not show, try quitting Xcode and reopening)
      Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3 12 59 PM
    5. You can also remove RunnerTests if it no longer has any tests
  2. Ensure tests pass Product > Test
Converting an existing Swift Plugin to a Swift Package

Converting an existing Swift Plugin to a Swift Package

Replace plugin_name throughout this guide with the name of your plugin.

  1. Start by creating a directory under the ios, macos, and/or darwin directories. Name this new directory the name of the platform package. The below example uses ios, replace ios with macos/darwin if applicable.
  1. Within this new directory, create the following files/directories:
    • Package.swift (file)
    • Sources (directory)
    • Sources/plugin_name_ios (directory)
    • Sources/plugin_name_ios/Resources (directory)
  1. Use the following template in the Package.swift
// swift-tools-version: 5.9
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let pluginMinimumIOSVersion = Version("12.0.0")
let pluginMinimumMacOSVersion = Version("10.14.0")

let package = Package(
    name: "plugin_name_ios",
    platforms: [
        flutterMinimumIOSVersion(pluginTargetVersion: pluginMinimumIOSVersion),
        flutterMinimumMacOSVersion(pluginTargetVersion: pluginMinimumMacOSVersion)
    products: [
        .library(name: "plugin_name_ios", targets: ["plugin_name_ios"])
    dependencies: [
    targets: [
            name: "plugin_name_ios",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "Flutter", package: "Flutter")
            resources: [

/// Returns the Package.Dependency for the Flutter framework.
/// Do not edit or remove. Used by the Flutter CLI to ensure the correct framework is used.
/// - Parameters:
///   - localFrameworkPath: The path to the Flutter framework Swift Package. Can be used when
///     locally developing the package. Will not be used when ran with the Flutter CLI.
/// - Returns: A Package.Dependency for the Flutter framework.
func flutterFrameworkDependency(localFrameworkPath: String? = nil) -> Package.Dependency {
   let flutterFrameworkPackagePath = localFrameworkPath ?? "unknown"
   return .package(name: "Flutter", path: flutterFrameworkPackagePath)

/// Returns the SupportedPlatform for iOS, ensuring the minimum deployment target version for the
/// iOS platform is always greater than or equal to that of the Flutter framework.
/// Do not edit or remove. Used by the Flutter CLI to ensure the correct minimum deployment target
/// version for iOS is used.
/// - Parameters:
///   - pluginTargetVersion: The minimum deployment target version for iOS.
/// - Returns: The SupportedPlatform for iOS.
func flutterMinimumIOSVersion(pluginTargetVersion: Version) -> SupportedPlatform {
   let iosFlutterMinimumVersion = Version("12.0.0")
   var versionString = pluginTargetVersion.description
   if iosFlutterMinimumVersion > pluginTargetVersion {
       versionString = iosFlutterMinimumVersion.description
   return SupportedPlatform.iOS(versionString)

/// Returns the SupportedPlatform for macOS, ensuring the minimum deployment target version for the
/// macOS platform is always greater than or equal to that of the Flutter framework.
/// Do not edit or remove. Used by the Flutter CLI to ensure the correct minimum deployment target
/// version for macOS is used.
/// - Parameters:
///   - pluginTargetVersion: The minimum deployment target version for macOS.
/// - Returns: The SupportedPlatform for macOS.
func flutterMinimumMacOSVersion(pluginTargetVersion: Version) -> SupportedPlatform {
   let macosFlutterMinimumVersion = Version("10.14.0")
   var versionString = pluginTargetVersion.description
   if macosFlutterMinimumVersion > pluginTargetVersion {
       versionString = macosFlutterMinimumVersion.description
   return SupportedPlatform.macOS(versionString)
  1. Move any resource files from ios/Assets or ios/Resources to Sources/plugin_name_ios/Resources
    • If you have a PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy, it should also go in this directory
  2. Move all files from ios/Classes to Sources/plugin_name_ios
  3. ios/Assets, ios/Resources, ios/Classes should now be empty and can be deleted
  4. If using pigeon, you'll want to update your pigeon input file
- swiftOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.swift',
+ swiftOut: 'ios/plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios/messages.g.swift',
  1. Enable Swift Package Manager
flutter config --enable-swift-package-manager
  1. Run the example app using flutter run

    • If your project doesn't use any dependencies, you can skip to step 10. You may still want read the following step 9 to learn about how to edit your Package.swift through Xcode
    • If your project uses dependencies, it will probably fail with error about missing files/classes - that's okay, move on to the next step
  2. Update your Package.swift with any customizations you may need

    1. Open /plugin_name/plugin_name_ios/ios/plugin_name_ios/ in Xcode

      • If package does not show any files in Xcode, quit Xcode (Xcode > Quit Xcode) and reopen
      • You don't need to edit your Package.swift through Xcode, but Xcode will provide helpful feedback
    2. Set localFrameworkPath parameter in flutterFrameworkDependency function to make package resolve

      • Make sure not to commit the localFrameworkPath
      flutterFrameworkDependency(localFrameworkPath: "path/to/plugin_name/plugin_name_ios/example/ios/Flutter/Packages/ephemeral/Flutter")
      • Alternatively, you can use an environment variable to set the localFrameworkPath to ensure the path stays out of your Package.swift, however you have to open Xcode via command line to pass the environment variable to it
    import Foundation
    flutterFrameworkDependency(localFrameworkPath: ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["FLUTTER_FRAMEWORK_PACKAGE_PATH"])
    FLUTTER_FRAMEWORK_PACKAGE_PATH=path/to/plugin_name/plugin_name_ios/example/ios/Flutter/Packages/ephemeral/Flutter open Package.swift -a Xcode
    1. Add dependencies
    2. If your package must be linked explicitly static or dynamic, update the Product to define the type
    products: [
        .library(name: "plugin_name_ios", type: .static, targets: ["plugin_name_ios"])
    1. Make any other customizations - see for more info on how to write a Package.swift.
  3. Update your plugin_name_ios.podspec to point to new paths.

- s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*.swift'
+ s.source_files = 'plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios/**/*.swift'

- s.resource_bundles = {'plugin_name_ios_privacy' => ['Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy']}
+ s.resource_bundles = {'plugin_name_ios_privacy' => ['plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios/Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy']}
  1. Update getting of resources from bundle to use SWIFTPM_MODULE_BUNDLE
     let settingsURL = Bundle.module.url(")
     let settingsURL = Bundle(for: Self.self).url(")

  • Note: Bundle.module will only work if there are actual resources under plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios/Resources. Otherwise, it will fail.
  1. Ensure your example app runs successfully with flutter run with both Swift Package Manager enabled and disabled

Moving unit tests from example app to Swift Package (optional)

Previously, unit tests were added directly to the example app. This may have forced you to make certain headers public or used a separate test module.

  1. Open example app project in Xcode
  2. Create plugin_name_ios_test directory in plugin_name_ios/Sources
  3. Drag files from RunnerTests to plugin_name_ios/Sources/plugin_name_ios_test
  4. Add plugin_name_ios_test library and target to plugin_name_ios's Package.swift
    • Do not edit Package.swift via example app Project navigator as this is a copied version
    • Edit Package.swift by opening Package directory in Xcode (see step 10 above) or via another editor
    products: [
        .library(name: "plugin_name_ios", targets: ["plugin_name_ios"]),
        .library(name: "plugin_name_ios_test", targets: ["plugin_name_ios_test"])
    targets: [
            name: "plugin_name_ios",
            name: "plugin_name_ios_test",
            dependencies: [
            resources: [
  1. Run flutter build ios --config-only to regenerate updated plugin_name_ios's Package.swift
  2. Create a new Swift Package in Xcode > File > New > Package...
    1. Select empty template
    2. Name it FlutterPluginTest and put within plugin_name/plugin_name_ios/example/ios/Flutter/Packages
  3. Update FlutterPluginTest's Package.swift
// swift-tools-version: 5.9
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "FlutterPluginTest",
    platforms: [
    dependencies: [
        .package(path: "../ephemeral/FlutterGeneratedPluginSwiftPackage"),
        .package(name: "plugin_name_ios", path: "../ephemeral/.symlinks/plugins/plugin_name_ios/ios/plugin_name_ios")
    targets: [
            name: "FlutterPluginTest",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "plugin_name_ios_test", package: "plugin_name_ios")
  1. Create at least one test file - this file can be blank
  2. Add FlutterPluginTest to Packages group in Xcode
    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3 11 56 PM

Ensure you don't add it to any Targets

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3 12 15 PM
  1. Add FlutterPluginTest to the scheme's Test settings
    1. In Xcode open Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme
    2. Click Test section in left sidebar
    3. Click + button
      Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3 12 50 PM
    4. Select FlutterPluginTest (if it does not show, try quitting Xcode and reopening)
      Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 3 12 59 PM
    5. You can also remove RunnerTests if it no longer has any tests
  2. Ensure tests pass Product > Test

@vashworth vashworth marked this pull request as ready for review April 3, 2024 18:04
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vashworth commented Apr 3, 2024

This is done because plugins must be linked to the Flutter framework to compile and although it automatically uses the BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR as a framework search path, if the plugin doesn't define a dependency on the Flutter framework, there's no guarantee that the framework will be processed and put in the BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR before the plugin is compiled. We also enforce a minimum iOS/macOS deployment target so that plugins will always have a target higher than or equal to the Flutter framework - if it was lower, SPM will error.

There was the alternative that we could add a pre-action script that would copy the Flutter framework to the BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR so it would always be guaranteed to be there when the plugins compiled, but that wouldn't fix the minimum deployment target version, which is why I went with this approach.

FYI, this differs from my original design and approach due to the limitations I had found

@vashworth vashworth marked this pull request as draft April 3, 2024 19:32
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vashworth commented Apr 3, 2024

@jmagman @stuartmorgan JK not ready for review yet, want to try one more thing

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Closing in favor of #146256.

@vashworth vashworth closed this Apr 5, 2024
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a: desktop Running on desktop a: tests "flutter test", flutter_test, or one of our tests f: integration_test The flutter/packages/integration_test plugin framework flutter/packages/flutter repository. See also f: labels. platform-ios iOS applications specifically tool Affects the "flutter" command-line tool. See also t: labels.
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