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Become a sponsor to Simon Lecoq


Simon Lecoq

🇫🇷 / 🇨🇦 (🇲🇶)

A hobbyist developer working on creative open-source projects.

Currently working on:

  • 📊 metrics, a svg infographics generator for your GitHub profile
  • 🍣 itsudeno, a scriptable IT automation system similar to ansible
  • 🌺 gracidea, a Pokémon 2D live map with animated characters

I also contribute to 🦕 deno standard library sometimes, I'm the author of deepMerge, assertObjectMatch, string diff in Deno.test, and other minor patchs.

You can also check my other works on 🦑


☁️ Help me cover my server and domains costs

Current sponsors 7


Past sponsors 24

Private Sponsor

Featured work

  1. lowlighter/metrics

    📊 An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 300+ options to display stats about your GitHub account and render them as SVG, Markdown, PDF or JSON!

    JavaScript 12,547
  2. lowlighter/itsudeno

    🍣 Itsudeno is a scriptable IT automation system written in TypeScript and running on Deno. It can be used to easily deploy and configure applications, services and networks on target hosts.

    TypeScript 17
  3. lowlighter/gracidea

    🌺 A Pokémon 2D live map gathering all regions, including wandering pokémons and characters and animated tiles!

    TypeScript 203
  4. denoland/deno_std

    The Deno Standard Library

    TypeScript 2,762

34% towards $35 per month goal

@KasparJohannesSchneider @Scarjit
@rrigato @thiagorider @bpg @eduardosantoshf @matoruru

KasparJohannesSchneider and 6 others sponsor this goal

Select a tier

$ a month

You'll receive any rewards listed in the $5 monthly tier. Additionally, a Public Sponsor achievement will be added to your profile.

$1 a month


💸 Dollar of friendship

$3 a month


🌧️ Helps me renting my web server

$5 a month


💳 Fill up my bank account

$10 a month


🚀 Let me invest in crypto so I can go to the moon later