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Container CI

Continuous integration for container applications.

1310 results for "sort:popularity-desc" filtered by Container CI


Google Cloud Build

By GoogleCloudBuild

Build, test, and deploy in a fast, consistent, and secure manner

131k installs

Cirrus CI

By cirruslabs

Enjoy unlimited concurrency for fast and secure development cycle

6k installs

By webappio

Full-stack review environments and end-to-end tests embedded into every pull request

6k installs


By Paperspace

GradientCI: Add a simple config file to your GitHub repo to train ML models directly from git commits

2k installs

Faable Deploy

By faablecloud

Fast deployment and hosting for Node.js. Compatible with Express and Fastify, connect your repository and enjoy

193 installs

Devbox Cloud

By jetify-com

Spin up a cloud development environment on the edge in seconds. 100% reproducible and powered by Nix

111 installs

The CTRL Bot

By bobbbay

A general-purpose GitHub Bot, working around *your* scripts

87 installs

By harpooncorp

No/Low Code Kubernetes

20 installs


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