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Stack File

Beautiful automated tech stack docs that live in your repos

For every repo you connect, a Pull Request is opened with a techstack.yml file that lists the entire tech stack and software supply chain of the repo, with metadata and details about each technology. This includes OSS packages, closed source (commercial) software, data stores, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Software as a Service (SaaS), and more. This YML file is visualized in a beautiful Markdown file called

Having easily accessible and up to date tech stack documentation ultimately saves repo maintainers time by automating all the manual work of gathering and updating tech stack data. Key features of this app:

  • Fully Automated: Stack File automates the entire file generation process, eliminating manual input and ensuring accuracy.
  • GitHub Integration: Integrated with Pull Requests, the Stack File GitHub App automatically creates the files and updates them, ensuring your tech stack data is fresh and always up-to-date.
  • Easily Accessible In Your Codebase: The YML and Markdown files live inside your GitHub repos, which means you don't need to leave GitHub to see the data.

Some uses cases for this data are:

  • Gathering data to do an upgrade or migration across repos
  • Gathering data as part of due diligence for financing/M&A
  • Onboarding a developer to a codebase & getting them up to speed quickly

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Stack File gives you automated tech stack docs - data + visualization that live in your repos