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Dependency management

Secure and manage your third-party dependencies.

66 results for "sort:popularity-desc" filtered by Dependency management Verified Creator



By snyk

Find, fix (and prevent!) known vulnerabilities in your code

208k installs


By renovatebot

Keep dependencies up-to-date with automated Pull Requests

37.5k installs

Socket Security

By SocketDev

Protect your app from malicious open source dependencies

5.5k installs


By depfu

Automated dependency updates done right

2.6k installs


By debricked

Automatically identify, fix and prevent vulnerabilities in your open source dependencies

2.4k installs


By licensebat

Effortless dependency compliance with your license policies

655 installs


By MyGet

Artifact and Package Repositories: Hosted NuGet, npm, Bower, Maven, PHP, VSIX, Python PyPI and RubyGems feeds

612 installs

Git X-Modules

By tmate

A better way to manage modular Git projects

348 installs

Scantist Thompson

By scantist

Proactive vulnerability management and license compliance for your third-party components

306 installs

Contrast Security SCA

By Contrast-Security-OSS

Automated software composition analysis at scale

195 installs
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By actions

Creator verified by GitHub

Cache artifacts like dependencies and build outputs to improve workflow execution time

4.3k stars

Upload a Build Artifact

By actions

Creator verified by GitHub

Upload a build artifact that can be used by subsequent workflow steps

2.9k stars

Download a Build Artifact

By actions

Creator verified by GitHub

Download a build artifact that was previously uploaded in the workflow by the upload-artifact action

1.3k stars

Gradle Build Action

By gradle

Creator verified by GitHub

Configures Gradle for GitHub actions, caching state and generating a dependency graph via Dependency Submission

645 stars

Dependency Review

By actions

Creator verified by GitHub

Prevent the introduction of dependencies with known vulnerabilities

530 stars

Setup JFrog CLI

By jfrog

Creator verified by GitHub

Install and configure JFrog CLI

234 stars

Renovate Bot GitHub Action

By renovatebot

Creator verified by GitHub

GitHub Action to run self-hosted Renovate

233 stars

Update Nix Flake Lock

By DeterminateSystems

Creator verified by GitHub

Update your Nix flake.lock and send a PR

209 stars

Evergreen action

By github

Creator verified by GitHub

A GitHub Action to request dependabot enablement on eligible repositories in an organization

152 stars

Fetch Metadata from Dependabot PRs

By dependabot

Creator verified by GitHub

Extract information from about the dependency being updated by a Dependabot-generated PR

144 stars
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