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Streamline your code deployment so you can focus on your product.

296 results for "sort:popularity-desc" filtered by Deployment Verified Creator


Azure Pipelines

By AzurePipelines

Continuously build, test, and deploy to any platform and cloud



By Qovery

Test and Release Features 4x Faster with On-demand Environments

10.8k installs


By buddy-works

One-click delivery automation for Web Developers

9k installs

IONOS Deploy Now

By ionos-deploy-now

Deploy sites and apps instantly via GitHub Actions to IONOS infrastructure

6.4k installs


By codefresh-io

A modern container-based CI/CD platform, easily assemble and run pipelines with high performance

6k installs

By spacelift-io

Spacelift is a sophisticated and compliant infrastructure delivery platform for infrastructure as code

3.8k installs


By DopplerHQ

Universal Secrets Manager that is the central source of truth for secrets across development, GitHub actions, and production

3.2k installs


By BuildJet

Managed high-performance runners for Github Actions

2.3k installs

Uffizzi Cloud

By UffizziCloud

Make everyday a release day. 5x your release frequency with ephemeral preview environments for every PR

2.1k installs

Merge Freeze

By Merge-Freeze

The code freeze tool to block merging and deployments

1.4k installs
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"Configure AWS Credentials" Action for GitHub Actions

By aws-actions

Creator verified by GitHub

Configures AWS credentials for use in subsequent steps in a GitHub Action workflow

2.3k stars

Set up gcloud Cloud SDK environment

By google-github-actions

Creator verified by GitHub

Downloads, installs, and configures a Google Cloud SDK environment. Adds the gcloud CLI command to the $PATH

1.7k stars

HashiCorp - Setup Terraform

By hashicorp

Creator verified by GitHub

Sets up Terraform CLI in your GitHub Actions workflow

1.3k stars

Deploy to Cloudflare Workers with Wrangler

By cloudflare

Creator verified by GitHub

Deploy your Cloudflare projects from GitHub using Wrangler

1k stars

Amazon ECR "Login" Action for GitHub Actions

By aws-actions

Creator verified by GitHub

Logs in the local Docker client to one or more Amazon ECR Private registries or an Amazon ECR Public registry

867 stars


By pypa

Creator verified by GitHub

Upload Python distribution packages to PyPI

838 stars

Expo GitHub Action

By expo

Creator verified by GitHub

Publish, build or manage your Expo app with GitHub Actions

716 stars

Amazon ECS "Deploy Task Definition" Action for GitHub Actions

By aws-actions

Creator verified by GitHub

Registers an Amazon ECS task definition, and deploys it to an ECS service

602 stars

Deploy GitHub Pages site

By actions

Creator verified by GitHub

A GitHub Action to deploy an artifact as a GitHub Pages site

556 stars

Connect Tailscale

By tailscale

Creator verified by GitHub

Connect your GitHub Action workflow to Tailscale

478 stars
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