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Hacktoberfest 2020 🎉

Hacktober Badge Star Badge Contributions

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đź—Ł Hacktoberfest encourages participation in the open source community, which grows bigger every year. Complete the 2020 challenge and earn a limited edition T-shirt.

📢 Register here for Hacktoberfest and make four pull requests (PRs) between October 1st-31st to grab free SWAGS 🔥.

You can also contribute in the following repo :-

Repository Issues Pull Requests Forks
Python GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Java GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
C GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Hackerearth-solutions GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Codevita-solutions GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
DSA GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Leetcode-solutions GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
C++ GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
Codechef-solutions GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks
hackerrank-solutions GitHub issues GitHub PRs GitHub forks


  • "Starter code" or "Beginner's code" in any language.
  • Put your code in the desired folder or create one if not found to keep things organized.
  • Data Structure and Algorithms.
  • Anything valuable.

Steps for contribution -

1. Fork this repo
2. commit the code
3. Make pull request
