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Tags: greenarmor/PowerShell



Toggle v7.3.0-preview.5's commit message
[7.3.0-preview.5] - 2022-06-22

* Engine Updates and Fixes

- Improve type inference and completions (PowerShell#16963) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Make `Out-String` and `Out-File` keep string input unchanged (PowerShell#17455)
- Make `AnsiRegex` able to capture Hyperlink ANSI sequences (PowerShell#17442)
- Add the `-ConfigurationFile` command line parameter to `pwsh` to support local session configuration (PowerShell#17447)
- Fix native library loading for `osx-arm64` (PowerShell#17365) (Thanks @awakecoding!)
- Fix formatting to act appropriately when the style of table header or list label is empty string (PowerShell#17463)

* General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

- Fix various completion issues inside the `param` block (PowerShell#17489) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Add Amended switch to `Get-CimClass` cmdlet (PowerShell#17477) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Improve completion on operators (PowerShell#17486) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Improve array element completion for command arguments (PowerShell#17078) (Thanks @matt9ucci!)
- Use AST extent for `PSScriptRoot` path completion (PowerShell#17376)
- Add type inference support for generic methods with type parameters (PowerShell#16951) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Write out OSC indicator only if the `stdout` is not redirected (PowerShell#17419)
- Remove the assert and use a relatively larger capacity to cover possible increase of .NET reference assemblies (PowerShell#17423)
- Increase reference assembly count to 161 (PowerShell#17420)

* Code Cleanup



<p>We thank the following contributors!</p>
<p>@Yulv-git, @eltociear</p>


<li>Fix some typos in source code (PowerShell#17481) (Thanks @Yulv-git!)</li>
<li>Fix typo in `AsyncResult.cs` (PowerShell#17396) (Thanks @eltociear!)</li>


* Tools

- Update script to pin to .NET 7 preview 5 version (PowerShell#17448)
- Start-PSPester: argument completer for `-Path` (PowerShell#17334) (Thanks @powercode!)
- Add reminder workflows (PowerShell#17387)
- Move to configuring the fabric bot via JSON (PowerShell#17411)
- Update Documentation Issue Template URL ( (Thanks @michaeltlombardi!)
- Update script to automatically take new preview pre-release builds (PowerShell#17375)

* Tests

- Make Assembly Load Native test work on a FX Dependent Linux Install (PowerShell#17380)
- Update `Get-Error` test to not depend on DNS APIs (PowerShell#17471)

* Build and Packaging Improvements


<li>Update .NET SDK version from <code>7.0.100-preview.4.22252.9</code> to <code>7.0.100-preview.5.22307.18</code> (PowerShell#17402)</li>
<li>Downgrade the <code>Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers</code> package to <code>7.0.0-preview1.22217.1</code> (PowerShell#17515)</li>
<li>Rename mariner package to cm (PowerShell#17505)</li>
<li>Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers (PowerShell#17476)</li>
<li>Bump <code>NJsonSchema</code> from 10.7.1 to 10.7.2 (PowerShell#17475)</li>
<li>Publish preview versions of mariner to preview repo (PowerShell#17451)</li>
<li>Update to the latest NOTICES file (PowerShell#17421)</li>
<li>Do not publish package for Mariner 1.0 (PowerShell#17415)</li>
<li>Add <code>AppX</code> capabilities in MSIX manifest so that PS7 can call the <code>AppX</code> APIs (PowerShell#17416)</li>
<li>Update to the latest NOTICES file (PowerShell#17401)</li>
<li>Fix mariner mappings (PowerShell#17413)</li>
<li>Update the cgmanifest (PowerShell#17393)</li>
<li>Bump `NJsonSchema` from `10.7.0` to `10.7.1` (PowerShell#17381)</li>


* Documentation and Help Content

- Update to the latest NOTICES file (PowerShell#17493) (Thanks @github-actions[bot]!)
- Update the cgmanifest (PowerShell#17478) (Thanks @github-actions[bot]!)
- Correct spelling in Comments and tests (PowerShell#17480) (Thanks @Yulv-git!)
- Fix spelling errors introduced in changelog (PowerShell#17414)
- Update change log for v7.3.0-preview.4 release (PowerShell#17412)
- Update readme and metadata for 7.3.0-preview.4 release (PowerShell#17378)

[7.3.0-preview.5]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.3.0-preview.4...v7.3.0-preview.5


Toggle v7.2.5's commit message
[7.2.5] - 2022-06-21

* Engine Updates and Fixes

- Fix native library loading for osx-arm64 (PowerShell#17495) (Thanks @awakecoding!)

* Tests

- Make Assembly Load Native test work on a FX Dependent Linux Install (PowerShell#17496)
- Enable more tests to be run in a container. (PowerShell#17294)
- Switch to using GitHub action to verify markdown links for PRs (PowerShell#17281)
- Try to stabilize a few tests that fail intermittently (PowerShell#17426)
- TLS test fix back-port (PowerShell#17424)

* Build and Packaging Improvements



<p>Bump .NET SDK to 6.0.301 (Internal 21218)</p>


<li>Update Wix file (Internal 21242)</li>
<li>Conditionally add output argument</li>
<li>Rename mariner package to cm (PowerShell#17506)</li>
<li>Backport test fixes for 7.2 (PowerShell#17494)</li>
<li>Update dotnet-runtime version (PowerShell#17472)</li>
<li>Update to use <code>windows-latest</code> as the build agent image (PowerShell#17418)</li>
<li>Publish preview versions of mariner to preview repo (PowerShell#17464)</li>
<li>Move <code>cgmanifest</code> generation to daily (PowerShell#17258)</li>
<li>Fix mariner mappings (PowerShell#17413)</li>
<li>Make sure we execute tests on LTS package for older LTS releases (PowerShell#17430)</li>
<li>Add a finalize template which causes jobs with issues to fail (PowerShell#17428)</li>
<li>Make mariner packages Framework dependent (PowerShell#17425)</li>
<li>Base work for adding mariner amd64 package (PowerShell#17417)</li>


[7.2.5]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.4...v7.2.5


Toggle v7.3.0-preview.4's commit message
** [7.3.0-preview.4] - 2022-05-23

*** Engine Updates and Fixes

<li>Remove the use of <code>BinaryFormatter</code> in PSRP serialization (PowerShell#17133) (Thanks @jborean93!)</li>
<li>Update telemetry collection removing unused data and adding some new data (PowerShell#17304)</li>
<li>Fix the word wrapping in formatting to handle escape sequences properly (PowerShell#17316)</li>
<li>Fix the error message in Hashtable-to-object conversion (PowerShell#17329)</li>
<li>Add support for new WDAC API (PowerShell#17247)</li>
<li>On Windows, reset cursor visibility back to previous state when rendering progress (PowerShell#16782)</li>
<li>Fix the list view to not leak VT decorations (PowerShell#17262)</li>
<li>Fix formatting truncation to handle strings with VT sequences (PowerShell#17251)</li>
<li>Fix line breakpoints for <code>return</code> statements without a value (PowerShell#17179)</li>
<li>Fix for partial PowerShell module search paths, that can be resolved to CWD locations (PowerShell#17231) (Internal 20126)</li>
<li>Change logic in the testing helper module for determining whether <code>PSHOME</code> is writable (PowerShell#17218)</li>
<li>Make a variable assignment in a <code>ParenExpression</code> to return the variable value (PowerShell#17174)</li>
<li>Use new Windows signature APIs from <code>Microsoft.Security.Extensions</code> package (PowerShell#17159)</li>
<li>Do not include node names when sending telemetry. (PowerShell#16981)</li>
<li>Support forward slashes in network share (UNC path) completion (PowerShell#17111) (PowerShell#17117) (Thanks @sba923!)</li>
<li>Do not generate clean block in proxy function when the feature is disabled (PowerShell#17112)</li>
<li>Ignore failure attempting to set console window title (PowerShell#16948)</li>
<li>Update regex used to remove ANSI escape sequences to be more specific to decoration and CSI sequences (PowerShell#16811)</li>
<li>Improve member auto completion (PowerShell#16504) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)</li>
<li>Prioritize <code>ValidateSet</code> completions over Enums for parameters (PowerShell#15257) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)</li>
<li>Add Custom Remote Connections Feature (PowerShell#17011)</li>

*** General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

<li>Add check for <code>ScriptBlock</code> wrapped in <code>PSObject</code> to <code></code> used in <code>ForEach-Object -Parallel</code> (PowerShell#17234) (Thanks @ryneandal!)</li>
<li>Fix <code>ForEach</code> method to set property on a scalar object (PowerShell#17213)</li>
<li>Fix <code>Sort-Object -Stable -Unique</code> to actually do stable sorting (PowerShell#17189) (Thanks @m1k0net!)</li>
<li>Add <code>OutputType</code> attribute to various commands (PowerShell#16962) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)</li>
<li>Make <code>Stop-Service</code> only request needed privileges when not setting SDDL. (PowerShell#16663) (Thanks @kvprasoon!)</li>

*** Code Cleanup

<li>Remove <code>EventLogLogProvider</code> and its related legacy code (PowerShell#17027)</li>
<li>Fix typos in names of method (PowerShell#17003) (Thanks @al-cheb!)</li>
<li>SemanticChecks: Avoid repeated type resolution of <code>[ordered]</code> (PowerShell#17328) (Thanks IISResetMe!)</li>
<li>Redo the change that was reverted by PowerShell#15853 (PowerShell#17357)</li>
<li>Correct spelling of <code>pseudo</code> in <code>Compiler.cs</code> (PowerShell#17285) (Thanks @eltociear!)</li>
<li>Make<code>NameObscurerTelemetryInitializer</code> internal (PowerShell#17214)</li>
<li>Make <code>NameObscurerTelemetryInitializer</code> internal (PowerShell#17167)</li>
<li>Correct Typo in the resource string <code>PathResolvedToMultiple</code> (PowerShell#17098) (Thanks @charltonstanley!)</li>
<li>Fix typo in <code>ComRuntimeHelpers.cs</code> (PowerShell#17104) (Thanks @eltociear!)</li>

*** Documentation and Help Content

<li>Update link to PowerShell remoting in depth video (PowerShell#17166)</li>

*** Tests

<li>Add <code>-because</code> to the failing test to aid in debugging (PowerShell#17030)</li>
<li>Simplify Enum generator for the <code>-bnot</code> operator test (PowerShell#17014)</li>
<li>Improve unique naming for tests (PowerShell#17043)</li>
<li>Use a random string for the missing help topic to improve the chances that the help topic really won't be found. (PowerShell#17042)</li>

*** Build and Packaging Improvements

<li>Update <code></code> and <code>metadata.json</code> for v7.3.0-preview.3 release (PowerShell#17029)</li>
<li>Do not pull dotnet updates from internal feed (PowerShell#17007)</li>
<li>Simplify <code>Get-WSManSupport</code> based on current .NET Distro Support (PowerShell#17356)</li>
<li>Update to the latest NOTICES file (PowerShell#17372, PowerShell#17332, PowerShell#17311, PowerShell#17275)</li>
<li>Run on every PR and let the action skip (PowerShell#17366)</li>
<li>Make sure verbose message is not null (PowerShell#17363)</li>
<li>Release changelogs (PowerShell#17364)</li>
<li>Update build versions (PowerShell#17318)</li>
<li>Add Daily Link Check GitHub Workflow (PowerShell#17351)</li>
<li>Update the cgmanifest (PowerShell#17361, PowerShell#17344, PowerShell#17324, PowerShell#17302, PowerShell#17268)</li>
<li>Bump <code>NJsonSchema</code> from <code>10.6.10</code> to <code>10.7.0</code> (PowerShell#17350)</li>
<li>Disable broken macOS CI job, which is unused (PowerShell#17221)</li>
<li>Have rebase workflow Post a message when it starts (PowerShell#17341)</li>
<li>Update <code>DotnetRuntimeMetadata.json</code> for .NET 7 Preview 4 (PowerShell#17336)</li>
<li>Update Ubuntu 22 to be detected as not supported WSMan (PowerShell#17338)</li>
<li>Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.4.3 to 2.4.5 (PowerShell#17274)</li>
<li>Make sure we execute tests on LTS package for older LTS releases (PowerShell#17326)</li>
<li>Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.1.0 to 17.2.0 (PowerShell#17320)</li>
<li>Add fedora to the OS's that can't run WSMan (PowerShell#17325)</li>
<li>Add sles15 support to <code></code> (PowerShell#16984)</li>
<li>Start rotating through all images (PowerShell#17315)</li>
<li>Update .NET SDK version from <code>7.0.100-preview.2.22153.17</code> to <code>7.0.100-preview.4.22252.9</code> (PowerShell#17061)</li>
<li>Disable release security analysis for SSH CI (PowerShell#17303)</li>
<li>Add a finalize template which causes jobs with issues to fail (PowerShell#17314)</li>
<li>Add mapping for ubuntu22.04 jammy (PowerShell#17317)</li>
<li>Enable more tests to be run in a container. (PowerShell#17294)</li>
<li>Fix <code>build.psm1</code> to find the required .NET SDK version when a higher version is installed (PowerShell#17299)</li>
<li>Improve how Linux container CI builds are identified (PowerShell#17295)</li>
<li>Only inject NuGet security analysis if we are using secure <code>nuget.config</code> (PowerShell#17293)</li>
<li>Reduce unneeded verbose message from <code>build.psm1</code> (PowerShell#17291)</li>
<li>Switch to using GitHub action to verify markdown links for PRs (PowerShell#17281)</li>
<li>Put Secure supply chain analysis at correct place (PowerShell#17273)</li>
<li>Fix build id variable name when selecting CI container (PowerShell#17279)</li>
<li>Add rotation between the two mariner images (PowerShell#17277)</li>
<li>Update to use <code></code> (PowerShell#17272)</li>
<li>Update engine working group members (PowerShell#17271)</li>
<li>Bump PSReadLine from 2.2.2 to 2.2.5 in /src/Modules (PowerShell#17252)</li>
<li>Update timeout for daily (PowerShell#17263)</li>
<li>Bump NJsonSchema from 10.6.9 to 10.6.10 (PowerShell#16902)</li>
<li>Update the <code>cgmanifest</code> (PowerShell#17260)</li>
<li>Fix Generate checksum file for packages build failure - v7.1.7 (PowerShell#17219) (Internal 20274)</li>
<li>Move <code>cgmanifest</code> generation to daily (PowerShell#17258)</li>
<li>Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers (PowerShell#17245)</li>
<li>Update to the latest notice file (PowerShell#17238)</li>
<li>Add container to Linux CI (PowerShell#17233)</li>
<li>Mark <code>Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Runtime.Win</code> as a developer dependency to hide in notice file (PowerShell#17230)</li>
<li>Fixing dotnet SDK version parsing in <code>build.psm1</code> (PowerShell#17198) (Thanks @powercode!)</li>
<li>Fixed package names verification to support multi-digit versions (PowerShell#17220)</li>
<li>Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp from to (PowerShell#17210)</li>
<li>Add backport action (PowerShell#17212)</li>
<li>Updated change logs for v7.0.9 / v7.0.10 / v7.1.6 / v7.1.7 / v7.2.2 / v7.2.3  (PowerShell#17207)</li>
<li>Updated metadata.json and for v7.2.3 and v7.0.10 (PowerShell#17158)</li>
<li>Update package fallback list for ubuntu (from those updated for ubuntu 22.04) (deb) (PowerShell#17180)</li>
<li>Update <code>wix</code> to include security extensions package (PowerShell#17171)</li>
<li>Update rebase.yml (PowerShell#17170)</li>
<li>Adds sha256 digests to RPM packages (PowerShell#16896) (Thanks @ngharo!)</li>
<li>Make mariner packages Framework dependent (PowerShell#17151)</li>
<li>Update to the latest notice file (PowerShell#17169)</li>
<li>Update to the latest notice file (PowerShell#17146)</li>
<li>Replace <code>.</code> in notices container name (PowerShell#17154)</li>
<li>Allow multiple installations of dotnet. (PowerShell#17141)</li>
<li>Bump <code>Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers</code> (PowerShell#17105)</li>
<li>Update to the latest notice file (PowerShell#16437)</li>
<li>Skip failing scriptblock tests (PowerShell#17093)</li>
<li>Update dotnet-install script download link (PowerShell#17086)</li>
<li>Fix the version of the <code>Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers</code> package (PowerShell#17075)</li>
<li>Update <code>dotnetmetadata.json</code> to accept .NET 7 preview 3 builds (PowerShell#17063)</li>
<li>Re-enable <code>PowerShellGet</code> tests targeting PowerShell gallery (PowerShell#17062)</li>
<li>Add mariner 1.0 amd64 package (PowerShell#17057)</li>
<li>Create checksum file for global tools (PowerShell#17056)</li>
<li>Bump <code>Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers</code> (PowerShell#17065)</li>
<li>Use new cask format (PowerShell#17064)</li>

[7.3.0-preview.4]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.3.0-preview.3...v7.3.0-preview.4


Toggle v7.2.4's commit message
** [7.2.4] - 2022-05-17

*** Build and Packaging Improvements



<p>Bump .NET SDK to 6.0.203</p>


<li>Add mapping for Ubuntu22.04 Jammy (PowerShell#17317)</li>
<li>Update to use <code></code> (PowerShell#17272)</li>
<li>Update third party notices</li>
<li>Update global.json and wix</li>
<li>Put Secure supply chain analysis at correct place (PowerShell#17273)</li>
<li>Fix web cmdlets so that an empty <code>Get</code> does not include a <code>content-length</code> header (PowerShell#16587)</li>
<li>Update package fallback list for Ubuntu (from those updated for Ubuntu <code>22.04</code>) (<code>deb</code>) (PowerShell#17217)</li>
<li>Add <code>sha256</code> digests to RPM packages (PowerShell#17215)</li>
<li>Allow multiple installations of dotnet. (PowerShell#17216)</li>


[7.2.4]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.3...v7.2.4


Toggle v7.0.11's commit message
** [7.0.11] - 2022-05-13

*** Build and Packaging Improvements



<p>Update .NET SDK to 3.1.419</p>


<li>Add explicit job name for approval tasks in Snap stage (PowerShell#16579)</li>
<li>Update to use <code></code> (PowerShell#17272)</li>
<li>Update global.json and wix</li>
<li>Put Secure supply chain analysis at correct place (PowerShell#17273)</li>
<li>Partial back-port of: Update a few tests to make them more stable in CI (PowerShell#16944) (Internal 20648)</li>
<li>Replace <code>.</code> in notices container name (PowerShell#17292)</li>
<li>Add an approval for releasing build-info json (PowerShell#16351)</li>
<li>Release build info json when it is preview (PowerShell#16335)</li>
<li>Add a major-minor build info JSON file (PowerShell#16301)</li>
<li>Update release instructions with link to new build (PowerShell#17256)</li>
<li>Add condition to generate release file in local dev build only (PowerShell#17255)</li>
<li>Removed old not-used-anymore docker-based tests for PS release packages (PowerShell#16224)</li>
<li>Publish global tool package for stable releases (PowerShell#15961)</li>
<li>Update to use <code>windows-latest</code> as the build agent image (PowerShell#16831)</li>
<li>Don't upload <code>dep</code> or <code>tar.gz</code> for <code>RPM</code> build because there are none. (PowerShell#17224)</li>
<li>Update to <code>vPack</code> task version 12 (PowerShell#17225)</li>
<li>Make RPM license recognized (PowerShell#17223)</li>
<li>Ensure <code>psoptions.json</code> and <code>manifest.spdx.json</code> files always exist in packages (PowerShell#17226)</li>


[7.0.11]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.0.10...v7.0.11


Toggle v7.2.3's commit message
[7.2.3] - 2022-04-26

* Engine Updates and Fixes

- Fix for partial PowerShell module search paths, that can be resolved to CWD locations (Internal 20126)
- Do not include node names when sending telemetry. (PowerShell#16981) to v7.2.3 (Internal 20188)

* Tests

- Re-enable `PowerShellGet` tests targeting PowerShell gallery (PowerShell#17062)
- Skip failing scriptblock tests (PowerShell#17093)

* Build and Packaging Improvements



<p>Bump .NET SDK to 6.0.202</p>


<li>Making NameObscurerTelemetryInitializer internal - v7.2.3 (Internal 20239)</li>
<li>Updated files.wxs for 7.2.3 (Internal 20211)</li>
<li>Updated ThirdPartyNotices for 7.2.3 (Internal 20199)</li>
<li>Work around issue with notice generation</li>
<li>Replace <code>.</code> in notices container name</li>
<li>Updated cgmanifest.json by findMissingNotices.ps1 in v7.2.3 (Internal 20190)</li>
<li>v7.2.3 - Updated packages using dotnet-outdated global tool (Internal 20170)</li>
<li>Updated to .NET 6.0.4 / SDK 6.0.202 (Internal 20128)</li>
<li>Update dotnet-install script download link (Internal 19951)</li>
<li>Create checksum file for global tools (PowerShell#17056) (Internal 19935)</li>
<li>Make sure global tool packages are published in stable build (Internal 19625)</li>
<li>Fix release pipeline (Internal 19617)</li>


[7.2.3]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.2...v7.2.3


Toggle v7.1.7's commit message
[7.1.7] - 2022-04-26

* Engine Updates and Fixes

- Fix for partial PowerShell module search paths, that can be resolved to CWD locations
- Do not include node names when sending telemetry. (PowerShell#16981) to v7.1.7 (Internal 20187,Internal 20260)

* Tests

- Re-enable `PowerShellGet` tests targeting PowerShell gallery (PowerShell#17062)
- Skip failing scriptblock tests (PowerShell#17093)

* Build and Packaging Improvements



<p>Update .NET SDK to 5.0.407</p>


<li>Fix build failure in `generate checksum file for packages` step - v7.1.7 (Internal 20274)</li>
<li>Updated files.wxs for 7.1.7 (Internal 20210)</li>
<li>Updated to .NET 5.0.16 / SDK 5.0.407 (Internal 20131)</li>
<li>Update Ubuntu images to use Ubuntu 20.04 (PowerShell#15906)</li>
<li>Update dotnet-install script download link (Internal 19950)</li>
<li>Create checksum file for global tools (PowerShell#17056) (Internal 19928)</li>
<li>Make sure global tool packages are published in stable build (Internal 19624)</li>


[7.1.7]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.1.6...v7.1.7


Toggle v7.0.10's commit message
[7.0.10] - 2022-04-26

* Engine Updates and Fixes

- Fix for partial PowerShell module search paths, that can be resolved to CWD locations
- Do not include node names when sending telemetry. (PowerShell#16981) to v7.0.10 (Internal 20186,Internal 20261)

* Tests

- Re-enable `PowerShellGet` tests targeting PowerShell gallery (PowerShell#17062)
- Skip failing scriptblock tests (PowerShell#17093)

* Build and Packaging Improvements



<p>Update .NET SDK to 3.1.418</p>


<li>Fixed package names verification to support multi-digit versions (Internal 20363)</li>
<li>Fix build failure in `generate checksum file for packages` step - v7.0.10 (Internal 20275)</li>
<li>Updated files.wxs for 7.0.10 (Internal 20208)</li>
<li>Updated to .NET 3.1.24 / SDK 3.1.418 (Internal 20133)</li>
<li>Disable broken macOS CI job, which is unused (Internal 20189)</li>
<li>Update Ubuntu images to use Ubuntu 20.04 (PowerShell#15906)</li>
<li>Update dotnet-install script download link (Internal 19949)</li>
<li>Create checksum file for global tools (Internal 19934)</li>
<li>Make sure global tool packages are published in stable build (Internal 19623)</li>


[7.0.10]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.0.9...v7.0.10


Toggle v7.3.0-preview.3's commit message
[7.3.0-preview.3] - 2022-03-21

* Engine Updates and Fixes

- Fix the parsing code for .NET method generic arguments (PowerShell#16937)
- Allow the `PSGetMemberBinder` to get value of `ByRef` property (PowerShell#16956)
- Allow a collection that contains `Automation.Null` elements to be piped to pipeline (PowerShell#16957)

* General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

- Add the module `CompatPowerShellGet` to the allow-list of telemetry modules (PowerShell#16935)
- Fix `Enter-PSHostProcess` and `Get-PSHostProcessInfo` cmdlets by handling processes that have exited (PowerShell#16946)
- Improve Hashtable completion in multiple scenarios (PowerShell#16498) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)

* Code Cleanup

- Fix a typo in `CommandHelpProvider.cs` (PowerShell#16949) (Thanks @eltociear!)

* Tests

- Update a few tests to make them more stable in CI (PowerShell#16944)
- Roll back Windows images used in testing to Windows Server 2019 (PowerShell#16958)

* Build and Packaging Improvements


<p>Update .NET SDK to 7.0.0-preview.2</p>

<li>Update .NET to 7.0.0-preview.2 build (PowerShell#16930)</li>
<li>Update <code>AzureFileCopy</code> task and fix the syntax for specifying <code>pool</code> (PowerShell#17013)</li>


[7.3.0-preview.3]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.3.0-preview.2...v7.3.0-preview.3


Toggle v7.2.2's commit message
[7.2.2] - 2022-03-16

* Build and Packaging Improvements



<p>Bump .NET SDK to 6.0.201</p>


<li>Update WiX file (Internal 19460)</li>
<li>Update .NET SDK version to 6.0.201 (Internal 19457)</li>
<li>Update experimental feature JSON files (PowerShell#16838)</li>
<li>Ensure Alpine and ARM SKUs have <code>powershell.config.json</code> file with experimental features enabled (PowerShell#16823)</li>
<li>Update the <code>vmImage</code> and PowerShell root directory for macOS builds (PowerShell#16611)</li>
<li>Update macOS build image and root folder for build (PowerShell#16609)</li>
<li>Remove WiX install (PowerShell#16834)</li>
<li>Opt-in to build security monitoring (PowerShell#16911)</li>
<li>Add SBOM manifest for release packages (PowerShell#16641, PowerShell#16711)</li>
<li>Add Linux package dependencies for packaging (PowerShell#16807)</li>
<li>Switch to our custom images for build and release (PowerShell#16801, PowerShell#16580)</li>
<li>Remove all references to <code>cmake</code> for the builds in this repo (PowerShell#16578)</li>
<li>Register NuGet source when generating <code>CGManifest</code> (PowerShell#16570)</li>


[7.2.2]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.1...v7.2.2