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Tags: digitalarche/PowerShell-3



Toggle v7.2.0's commit message
[7.2.0] - 2021-11-08

* General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

- Handle exception when trying to resolve a possible link path (PowerShell#16310)

* Tests

- Fix global tool and SDK tests in release pipeline (PowerShell#16342)

* Build and Packaging Improvements



<p>We thank the following contributors!</p>


<li>Add an approval for releasing build-info json (PowerShell#16351)</li>
<li>Release build info json when it is preview (PowerShell#16335)</li>
<li>Update <code>metadata.json</code> for v7.2.0 release</li>
<li>Update to the latest notices file and update <code>cgmanifest.json</code> (PowerShell#16339)(PowerShell#16325)</li>
<li>Fix issues in release build by updating usage of <code>powershell.exe</code> with <code>pwsh.exe</code> (PowerShell#16332)</li>
<li>Update feed and analyzer dependency (PowerShell#16327)</li>
<li>Update to .NET 6 GA build <code>6.0.100-rtm.21527.11</code> (PowerShell#16309)</li>
<li>Add a major-minor build info JSON file (PowerShell#16301)</li>
<li>Fix Windows build ZIP packaging (PowerShell#16299) (Thanks @kondratyev-nv!)</li>
<li>Clean up <code>crossgen</code> related build scripts also generate native symbols for <code>R2R</code> images (PowerShell#16297)</li>
<li>Fix issues reported by code signing verification tool (PowerShell#16291)</li>


[7.2.0]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.0-rc.1...v7.2.0


Toggle v7.2.0-rc.1's commit message
[7.2.0-rc.1] - 2021-10-21

* General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

- Disallow COM calls for AppLocker system lockdown (PowerShell#16268)
- Configure `Microsoft.ApplicationInsights` to not send cloud role name (PowerShell#16246)
- Disallow `Add-Type` in NoLanguage mode on a locked down machine (PowerShell#16245)
- Make property names for color VT100 sequences consistent with documentation (PowerShell#16212)
- Make moving a directory into itself with `Move-Item` an error (PowerShell#16198)
- Change `FileSystemInfo.Target` from a `CodeProperty` to an `AliasProperty` that points to `FileSystemInfo.LinkTarget` (PowerShell#16165)

* Tests

- Removed deprecated docker-based tests for PowerShell release packages (PowerShell#16224)

* Build and Packaging Improvements


<p>Bump .NET SDK to 6.0.100-rc.2</p>

<li>Update .NET 6 to version 6.0.100-rc.2.21505.57 (PowerShell#16249)</li>
<li>Fix RPM packaging (Internal 17704)</li>
<li>Update <code>ThirdPartyNotices.txt</code> (PowerShell#16283)</li>
<li>Update pipeline yaml file to use <code>ubuntu-latest</code> image (PowerShell#16279)</li>
<li>Add script to generate <code>cgmanifest.json</code> (PowerShell#16278)</li>
<li>Update version of <code>Microsoft.PowerShell.Native</code> and <code>Microsoft.PowerShell.MarkdownRender</code> packages (PowerShell#16277)</li>
<li>Add <code>cgmanifest.json</code> for generating correct third party notice file (PowerShell#16266)</li>
<li>Only upload stable <code>buildinfo</code> for stable releases (PowerShell#16251)</li>
<li>Don't upload <code>.dep</code> or <code>.tar.gz</code> for RPM because there are none (PowerShell#16230)</li>
<li>Ensure RPM license is recognized (PowerShell#16189)</li>
<li>Add condition to only generate release files in local dev build only (PowerShell#16259)</li>
<li>Ensure <code>psoptions.json</code> and <code>manifest.spdx.json</code> files always exist in packages (PowerShell#16258)</li>
<li>Fix CI script and split out ARM runs (PowerShell#16252)</li>
<li>Update vPack task version to 12 (PowerShell#16250)</li>
<li>Sign third party executables (PowerShell#16229)</li>
<li>Add Software Bill of Materials to the main packages (PowerShell#16202)</li>
<li>Upgrade <code>set-value</code> package for markdown test (PowerShell#16196)</li>
<li>Fix Microsoft update spelling issue (PowerShell#16178)</li>
<li>Move vPack build to 1ES Pool (PowerShell#16169)</li>


[7.2.0-rc.1]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.0-preview.10...v7.2.0-rc.1


Toggle v7.1.5's commit message
[7.1.5] - 2021-10-14

* Engine Updates and Fixes

- Handle error from unauthorized access when removing `AppLocker` test files (PowerShell#15881)
- Test more thoroughly whether a command is `Out-Default` for transcription scenarios (PowerShell#15653)
- Handle error when the telemetry mutex cannot be created (PowerShell#15574) (Thanks @gukoff!)
- Configure `ApplicationInsights` to not send cloud role name (Internal 17100)
- Disallow `Add-Type` in NoLanguage mode on a locked down machine (Internal 17522)

* Tools

- Add `.stylecop` to `filetypexml` and format it (PowerShell#16025)

* Build and Packaging Improvements


<p>Bump .NET SDK to 5.0.402</p>

<li>Upgrade <code>set-value</code> package for markdown test (PowerShell#16196)</li>
<li>Sign the .NET <code>createdump</code> executable (PowerShell#16229)</li>
<li>Move vPack build to 1ES Pool (PowerShell#16169)</li>
<li>Update to .NET SDK 5.0.402 (Internal 17537)</li>
<li>Move from PkgES hosted agents to 1ES hosted agents (PowerShell#16023)</li>
<li>Fix the macOS build by updating the pool image name (PowerShell#16010)</li>
<li>Use Alpine 3.12 for building PowerShell for Alpine Linux (PowerShell#16008)</li>


* Documentation and Help Content

- Fix example nuget.config (PowerShell#14349)

[7.1.5]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.1.4...v7.1.5


Toggle v7.0.8's commit message
[7.0.8] - 2021-10-14

* Engine Updates and Fixes

- Handle error from unauthorized access when removing `AppLocker` test files (PowerShell#15881)
- Handle error when the telemetry mutex cannot be created (PowerShell#15574) (Thanks @gukoff!)
- Configure `ApplicationInsights` to not send cloud role name (Internal 17099)
- Disallow `Add-Type` in NoLanguage mode on a locked down machine (Internal 17521)

* Tools

- Add `.stylecop` to `filetypexml` and format it (PowerShell#16025)

* Build and Packaging Improvements


<p>Bump .NET SDK to 3.1.414</p>

<li>Update the nuget.config file used for building NuGet packages (Internal 17547)</li>
<li>Sign the .NET <code>createdump</code> executable (PowerShell#16229)</li>
<li>Upgrade <code>set-value</code> package for markdown test (PowerShell#16196)</li>
<li>Move vPack build to 1ES Pool (PowerShell#16169)</li>
<li>Update to .NET SDK 3.1.414 (Internal 17532)</li>
<li>Fix the macOS build by updating the pool image name (PowerShell#16010)</li>
<li>Move from PkgES hosted agents to 1ES hosted agents (PowerShell#16023)</li>
<li>Use Alpine 3.12 for building PowerShell for Alpine Linux (PowerShell#16008)</li>


* Documentation and Help Content

- Fix example nuget.config (PowerShell#14349)

[7.0.8]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.0.7...v7.0.8


Toggle v7.2.0-preview.10's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature. The key has expired.
TravisEz13 Travis Plunk
*** Breaking Changes

- Change the default value of `$PSStyle.OutputRendering` to `OutputRendering.Host` and remove `OutputRendering.Automatic` (PowerShell#15882)
- Fix `CA1052` for public API to make classes static when they only have static methods (PowerShell#15775) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)
- Update `pwsh.exe -File` to only accept `.ps1` script files on Windows (PowerShell#15859)

*** Engine Updates and Fixes

- Update .NET adapter to handle interface static members properly (PowerShell#15908)
- Catch and handle unauthorized access exception when removing AppLocker test files (PowerShell#15881)

*** General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

- Add `-PassThru` parameter to `Set-Clipboard` (PowerShell#13713) (Thanks @ThomasNieto!)
- Add `-Encoding` parameter for `Tee-Object` (PowerShell#12135) (Thanks @Peter-Schneider!)
- Update `ConvertTo-Csv` and `Export-Csv` to handle `IDictionary` objects (PowerShell#11029) (Thanks @vexx32!)
- Update the parameters `-Exception` and `-ErrorRecord` for `Write-Error` to be position 0 (PowerShell#13813) (Thanks @ThomasNieto!)
- Don't use `ArgumentList` when creating COM object with `New-Object` as it's not applicable to the COM parameter set (PowerShell#15915)
- Fix `$PSStyle` list output to correctly show `TableHeader` (PowerShell#15928)
- Remove the `PSImplicitRemotingBatching` experimental feature (PowerShell#15863)
- Fix issue with `Get-Process -Module` failing to stop when it's piped to `Select-Object` (PowerShell#15682) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!)
- Make the experimental features `PSUnixFileStat`, `PSCultureInvariantReplaceOperator`, `PSNotApplyErrorActionToStderr`, `PSAnsiRendering`, `PSAnsiProgressFeatureName` stable (PowerShell#15864)
- Enhance `Remove-Item` to work with OneDrive (PowerShell#15571) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Make global tool entrypoint class static (PowerShell#15880)
- Update `ServerRemoteHost` version to be same as `PSVersion` (PowerShell#15809)
- Make the initialization of `HttpKnownHeaderNames` thread safe (PowerShell#15519) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- `ConvertTo-Csv`: Quote fields with quotes and newlines when using `-UseQuotes AsNeeded` (PowerShell#15765) (Thanks @lselden!)
- Forwarding progress stream changes from `Foreach-Object -Parallel` runspaces (PowerShell#14271) (Thanks @powercode!)
- Add validation to `$PSStyle` to reject printable text when setting a property that only expects ANSI escape sequence (PowerShell#15825)

*** Code Cleanup



<p>We thank the following contributors!</p>


<li>Avoid unneeded array allocation in module code (PowerShell#14329) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Enable and fix analysis rules <code>CA1052</code>, <code>CA1067</code>, and <code>IDE0049</code> (PowerShell#15840) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Avoid unnecessary allocation in formatting code (PowerShell#15832) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Specify the analyzed API surface for all code quality rules (PowerShell#15778) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>


*** Tools

- Enable `/rebase` to automatically rebase a PR (PowerShell#15808)
- Update `.editorconfig` to not replace tabs with spaces in `.tsv` files (PowerShell#15815) (Thanks @SethFalco!)
- Update PowerShell team members in the change log generation script (PowerShell#15817)

*** Tests

- Add more tests to validate the current command error handling behaviors (PowerShell#15919)
- Make `Measure-Object` property test independent of the file system (PowerShell#15879)
- Add more information when a `syslog` parsing error occurs (PowerShell#15857)
- Harden logic when looking for `syslog` entries to be sure that we select based on the process id (PowerShell#15841)

*** Build and Packaging Improvements



<p>We thank the following contributors!</p>


<li>Disable implicit namespace imports for test projects (PowerShell#15895)</li>
<li>Update language version to 10 and fix related issues (PowerShell#15886)</li>
<li>Update <code>CodeQL</code> workflow to use Ubuntu 18.04 (PowerShell#15868)</li>
<li>Bump the version of various packages (PowerShell#15944, PowerShell#15934, PowerShell#15935, PowerShell#15891, PowerShell#15812, PowerShell#15822) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>


*** Documentation and Help Content

- Update `README` and `metadata files` for release `v7.2.0-preview.8` (PowerShell#15819)
- Update change logs for 7.0.7 and 7.1.4 (PowerShell#15921)
- Fix spelling in XML docs (PowerShell#15939) (Thanks @slowy07!)
- Update PowerShell Committee members (PowerShell#15837)

[7.2.0-preview.9]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.0-preview.8...v7.2.0-preview.9


Toggle v7.2.0-preview.9's commit message
* [7.2.0-preview.9] - 2021-08-23

* Breaking Changes

- Change the default value of `$PSStyle.OutputRendering` to `OutputRendering.Host` and remove `OutputRendering.Automatic` (PowerShell#15882)
- Fix `CA1052` for public API to make classes static when they only have static methods (PowerShell#15775) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)
- Update `pwsh.exe -File` to only accept `.ps1` script files on Windows (PowerShell#15859)

* Engine Updates and Fixes

- Update .NET adapter to handle interface static members properly (PowerShell#15908)
- Catch and handle unauthorized access exception when removing AppLocker test files (PowerShell#15881)

* General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

- Add `-PassThru` parameter to `Set-Clipboard` (PowerShell#13713) (Thanks @ThomasNieto!)
- Add `-Encoding` parameter for `Tee-Object` (PowerShell#12135) (Thanks @Peter-Schneider!)
- Update `ConvertTo-Csv` and `Export-Csv` to handle `IDictionary` objects (PowerShell#11029) (Thanks @vexx32!)
- Update the parameters `-Exception` and `-ErrorRecord` for `Write-Error` to be position 0 (PowerShell#13813) (Thanks @ThomasNieto!)
- Don't use `ArgumentList` when creating COM object with `New-Object` as it's not applicable to the COM parameter set (PowerShell#15915)
- Fix `$PSStyle` list output to correctly show `TableHeader` (PowerShell#15928)
- Remove the `PSImplicitRemotingBatching` experimental feature (PowerShell#15863)
- Fix issue with `Get-Process -Module` failing to stop when it's piped to `Select-Object` (PowerShell#15682) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!)
- Make the experimental features `PSUnixFileStat`, `PSCultureInvariantReplaceOperator`, `PSNotApplyErrorActionToStderr`, `PSAnsiRendering`, `PSAnsiProgressFeatureName` stable (PowerShell#15864)
- Enhance `Remove-Item` to work with OneDrive (PowerShell#15571) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Make global tool entrypoint class static (PowerShell#15880)
- Update `ServerRemoteHost` version to be same as `PSVersion` (PowerShell#15809)
- Make the initialization of `HttpKnownHeaderNames` thread safe (PowerShell#15519) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- `ConvertTo-Csv`: Quote fields with quotes and newlines when using `-UseQuotes AsNeeded` (PowerShell#15765) (Thanks @lselden!)
- Forwarding progress stream changes from `Foreach-Object -Parallel` runspaces (PowerShell#14271) (Thanks @powercode!)
- Add validation to `$PSStyle` to reject printable text when setting a property that only expects ANSI escape sequence (PowerShell#15825)

* Code Cleanup



<p>We thank the following contributors!</p>


<li>Avoid unneeded array allocation in module code (PowerShell#14329) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Enable and fix analysis rules <code>CA1052</code>, <code>CA1067</code>, and <code>IDE0049</code> (PowerShell#15840) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Avoid unnecessary allocation in formatting code (PowerShell#15832) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Specify the analyzed API surface for all code quality rules (PowerShell#15778) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>


* Tools

- Enable `/rebase` to automatically rebase a PR (PowerShell#15808)
- Update `.editorconfig` to not replace tabs with spaces in `.tsv` files (PowerShell#15815) (Thanks @SethFalco!)
- Update PowerShell team members in the change log generation script (PowerShell#15817)

* Tests

- Add more tests to validate the current command error handling behaviors (PowerShell#15919)
- Make `Measure-Object` property test independent of the file system (PowerShell#15879)
- Add more information when a `syslog` parsing error occurs (PowerShell#15857)
- Harden logic when looking for `syslog` entries to be sure that we select based on the process id (PowerShell#15841)

* Build and Packaging Improvements



<p>We thank the following contributors!</p>


<li>Disable implicit namespace imports for test projects (PowerShell#15895)</li>
<li>Update language version to 10 and fix related issues (PowerShell#15886)</li>
<li>Update <code>CodeQL</code> workflow to use Ubuntu 18.04 (PowerShell#15868)</li>
<li>Bump the version of various packages (PowerShell#15944, PowerShell#15934, PowerShell#15935, PowerShell#15891, PowerShell#15812, PowerShell#15822) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>


* Documentation and Help Content

- Update `README` and `metadata files` for release `v7.2.0-preview.8` (PowerShell#15819)
- Update change logs for 7.0.7 and 7.1.4 (PowerShell#15921)
- Fix spelling in XML docs (PowerShell#15939) (Thanks @slowy07!)
- Update PowerShell Committee members (PowerShell#15837)

[7.2.0-preview.9]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.0-preview.8...v7.2.0-preview.9


Toggle v7.1.4's commit message
[7.1.4] - 2021-08-12

*** Build and Packaging Improvements


Bump .NET SDK to version 5.0.400

<li>Remove the cat file from <code>PSDesiredStateConfiguration</code> module (Internal 16723)</li>
<li>Update .NET SDK version and other packages (Internal 16715)</li>


[7.1.4]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.1.3...v7.1.4


Toggle v7.0.7's commit message
[7.0.7] - 2021-08-12

*** Build and Packaging Improvements


Bump .NET SDK to 3.1.412

<li>Remove cat file from <code>PSDesiredStateConfiguration</code> module (Internal 16722)</li>
<li>Update .NET SDK to <code>3.1.412</code> (Internal 16717)</li>


[7.0.7]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.0.6...v7.0.7


Toggle v7.2.0-preview.8's commit message
* [7.2.0-preview.8] - 2021-07-22

* Engine Updates and Fixes

- Add a Windows mode to `$PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing` that allows some commands to use legacy argument passing (PowerShell#15408)
- Use `nameof` to get parameter names when creating `ArgumentNullException` (PowerShell#15604) (Thanks @gukoff!)
- Test if a command is 'Out-Default' more thoroughly for transcribing scenarios (PowerShell#15653)
- Add `Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo` to telemetry allow list (PowerShell#15372)

* General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

- Use `$PSStyle.Formatting.FormatAccent` for `Format-List` and `$PSStyle.Formatting.TableHeader` for `Format-Table` output (PowerShell#14406)
- Highlight using error color the exception `Message` and underline in `PositionMessage` for `Get-Error` (PowerShell#15786)
- Implement a completion for View parameter of format cmdlets (PowerShell#14513) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Add support to colorize `FileInfo` file names (PowerShell#14403)
- Don't serialize to JSON ETS properties for `DateTime` and `string` types (PowerShell#15665)
- Fix `HyperVSocketEndPoint.ServiceId` setter (PowerShell#15704) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)
- Add `DetailedView` to `$ErrorView` (PowerShell#15609)

* Code Cleanup



<p>We thank the following contributors!</p>
<p>@iSazonov, @xtqqczze</p>


<li>Remove <code>consolehost.proto</code> file (PowerShell#15741) (Thanks @iSazonov!)</li>
<li>Implement <code>IDisposable</code> for <code>ConvertToJsonCommand</code> (PowerShell#15787) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Fix <code>IDisposable</code> implementation for <code>CommandPathSearch</code> (PowerShell#15793) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Delete IDE dispose analyzer rules (PowerShell#15798) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Seal private classes (PowerShell#15725) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Enable IDE0029: <code>UseCoalesceExpression</code> (PowerShell#15770) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Enable IDE0070: <code>UseSystemHashCode</code> (PowerShell#15715) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Enable IDE0030: <code>UseCoalesceExpressionForNullable</code> (PowerShell#14289) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Fix CA1846 and CA1845 for using <code>AsSpan</code> instead of <code>Substring</code> (PowerShell#15738)</li>
<li>Use <code>List&lt;T&gt;.RemoveAll</code> to avoid creating temporary list (PowerShell#15686) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Enable IDE0044: <code>MakeFieldReadonly</code> (PowerShell#13880) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Disable IDE0130 (PowerShell#15728) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Make classes sealed (PowerShell#15675) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Enable CA1043: Use integral or string argument for indexers (PowerShell#14467) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Enable CA1812 (PowerShell#15674) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Replace <code>Single</code> with <code>First</code> when we know the element count is 1 (PowerShell#15676) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Skip analyzers for <code>Microsoft.Management.UI.Internal</code> (PowerShell#15677) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Fix CA2243: Attribute string literals should parse correctly (PowerShell#15622) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Enable CA1401 (PowerShell#15621) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Fix CA1309: Use ordinal <code>StringComparison</code> in Certificate Provider (PowerShell#14352) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Fix CA1839: Use <code>Environment.ProcessPath</code> (PowerShell#15650) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>
<li>Add new analyzer rules (PowerShell#15620) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li>


* Tools

- Add `SkipRoslynAnalyzers` parameter to `Start-PSBuild` (PowerShell#15640) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)
- Create issue template for issues updating PowerShell through Windows update. (PowerShell#15700)
- Add `DocumentationAnalyzers` to build (PowerShell#14336) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)
- Convert GitHub issue templates to modern forms (PowerShell#15645)

* Tests

- Add more tests for `ConvertFrom-Json` (PowerShell#15706) (Thanks @strawgate!)
- Update `glob-parent` and `hosted-git-info` test dependencies (PowerShell#15643)

* Build and Packaging Improvements


Update .NET to version <code>v6.0.0-preview.6</code>

<li>Add new package name for <code>osx-arm64</code> (PowerShell#15813)</li>
<li>Prefer version when available for dotnet-install (PowerShell#15810)</li>
<li>Make warning about MU being required dynamic (PowerShell#15776)</li>
<li>Add <code>Start-PSBootstrap</code> before running tests (PowerShell#15804)</li>
<li>Update to .NET 6 Preview 6 and use <code>crossgen2</code> (PowerShell#15763)</li>
<li>Enable ARM64 packaging for macOS (PowerShell#15768)</li>
<li>Make Microsoft Update opt-out/in check boxes work (PowerShell#15784)</li>
<li>Add Microsoft Update opt out to MSI install (PowerShell#15727)</li>
<li>Bump <code>NJsonSchema</code> from <code>10.4.4</code> to <code>10.4.5</code> (PowerShell#15769) (Thanks @dependabot[bot]!)</li>
<li>Fix computation of SHA512 checksum (PowerShell#15736)</li>
<li>Update the script to use quality parameter for <code>dotnet-install</code> (PowerShell#15731)</li>
<li>Generate SHA512 checksum file for all packages (PowerShell#15678)</li>
<li>Enable signing daily release build with lifetime certificate (PowerShell#15642)</li>
<li>Update metadata and README for 7.2.0-preview.7 (PowerShell#15593)</li>


* Documentation and Help Content

- Fix broken RFC links (PowerShell#15807)
- Add to bug report template getting details from `Get-Error` (PowerShell#15737)
- Update issue templates to link to new docs (PowerShell#15711)
- Add @jborean93 to Remoting Working Group (PowerShell#15683)

[7.2.0-preview.8]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.0-preview.7...v7.2.0-preview.8


Toggle v7.2.0-preview.7's commit message
* [7.2.0-preview.7] - 2021-06-17

* Breaking Changes

- Remove PSDesiredStateConfiguration v2.0.5 module and published it to the PowerShell Gallery (PowerShell#15536)

* Engine Updates and Fixes

- Fix splatting being treated as positional parameter in completions (PowerShell#14623) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Prevent PowerShell from crashing when a telemetry mutex can't be created (PowerShell#15574) (Thanks @gukoff!)
- Ignore all exceptions when disposing an instance of a subsystem implementation (PowerShell#15511)
- Wait for SSH exit when closing remote connection (PowerShell#14635) (Thanks @dinhngtu!)

* Performance

- Retrieve `ProductVersion` using informational version attribute in `AmsiUtils.Init()` (PowerShell#15527) (Thanks @Fs00!)

* General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes

- Fix retrieving dynamic parameters from provider even if globbed path returns no results (PowerShell#15525)
- Revert "Enhance Remove-Item to work with OneDrive (PowerShell#15260)" due to long path issue (PowerShell#15546)

* Code Cleanup



<p>We thank the following contributors!</p>
<p>@octos4murai, @iSazonov, @Fs00</p>


<li>Correct parameter name passed to exception in <code>PSCommand</code> constructor (PowerShell#15580) (Thanks @octos4murai!)</li>
<li>Enable nullable: <code>System.Management.Automation.ICommandRuntime</code> (PowerShell#15566) (Thanks @iSazonov!)</li>
<li>Clean up code regarding <code>AppDomain.CreateDomain</code> and <code>AppDomain.Unload</code> (PowerShell#15554)</li>
<li>Replace <code>ProcessModule.FileName</code> with <code>Environment.ProcessPath</code> and remove <code>PSUtils.GetMainModule</code> (PowerShell#15012) (Thanks @Fs00!)</li>


* Tests

- Fix `Start-Benchmarking` to put `TargetPSVersion` and `TargetFramework` in separate parameter sets (PowerShell#15508)
- Add `win-x86` test package to the build (PowerShell#15517)

* Build and Packaging Improvements



<p>We thank the following contributors!</p>


<li>Update and metadata.json for version 7.2.0-preview.6 (PowerShell#15464)</li>
<li>Make sure GA revision increases from RC and Preview releases (PowerShell#15558)</li>
<li>Remove <code>SupportsShouldProcess</code> from <code>Start-PSBootstrap</code> in build.psm1 (PowerShell#15491) (Thanks @schuelermine!)</li>
<li>Update <code>DotnetMetadataRuntime.json</code> next channel to take daily build from .NET preview 5 (PowerShell#15518)</li>
<li>Fix <code>deps.json</code> update in the release pipeline (PowerShell#15486)</li>


* Documentation and Help Content

- Add new members to Engine and Cmdlet Working Groups document (PowerShell#15560)
- Update the `mdspell` command to exclude the folder that should be ignored (PowerShell#15576)
- Replace 'User Voice' with 'Feedback Hub' in `` (PowerShell#15557)
- Update Virtual User Group chat links (PowerShell#15505) (Thanks @Jaykul!)
- Fix typo in `FileSystemProvider.cs` (PowerShell#15445) (Thanks @eltociear!)
- Add `PipelineStoppedException` notes to PowerShell API (PowerShell#15324)
- Updated governance on Working Groups (WGs) (PowerShell#14603)
- Correct and improve XML documentation comments on `PSCommand` (PowerShell#15568) (Thanks @octos4murai!)

[7.2.0-preview.7]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.0-preview.6...v7.2.0-preview.7